after the election, then what?..

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New member
So with a almost certain democratic house and senate and what looks to be a democrat president, what will happen to the 2nd amendment. I know many of you are wondering the same thing. I'm thinking there will be more gun restrictions out the whazoo, and god forbid even some types of guns being no longer available to law abiding citizens. Even our semi-handguns that we love and other types of so called assault weapons. Hell, they may even go for our Hunting Rifles!!..:eek: I've heard people are buying up guns in record numbers because of this. What do guys think will happen?


New member
Well if we sit idly by, you might be right. Start tomorrow morning emailing and writing and calling and faxing whoever wins. Make sure they know we're out here and we care.


New member
Agreed. IF that dismal scenario happens, then we must redouble our efforts to protect our 2nd, 4th, and 10th amendment rights, not buckle under but be ever vigilant to protect what is ours.
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