After 4 years of waiting.


New member
I just got a call that after 4 year on the waiting list I can now join Howell's Gun Club. This is a big deal to me because they are the only gun club in Southern Michigan that has a 1000 yard range. Thw other range I am a member at only goes out to 300 yards. I just pulled my .300 win mag from the back of my safe and am loading rounds for it. Yepee, I feel like a kid again, now I hope I can hit something.


New member
Damn, I wish there was a 1000yd range in the Tulsa, OK area.. only one I know of is at Badlands.. there is one at the Red Castle Gun club.. but they only open it like twice a year for competition.

I am happy for you.. i know what it feels like not to be able to get out there..


New member
I'm glad I have a lot of land. We have a nearly 900 yard shot on our 44 acres that's flat and open.

But, I know what you mean - I've been trying to join the OGCA and it's like getting into the cheerleader's pants. I hate that.


New member
Okay - You gotta get yourself a good benchrest rifle now... Look and see when they have their matches. Talk to Dick Wright.


New member
I am very glad that I don't have a convenient place to shoot. Especially one with a 1000 yard range.

If I did...

I'd either lose my job, or just work to support my habit. Frankly, I'd be ok with not having any power in my house and reloading by lantern light. Because when the sun broke the horizon, I'd be shooting. Hot water is for sissies.

:p Tol

PS: Congratulations! Enjoy :D


New member
1000yd range in Southern Michigan!!!
What city is it in?
Just how hard is it to get in the club?

thanks in advance

Joe Portale

New member
Help me out here...why did you have to wait to join the gun club??? Maybe I'm spoiled here in wide open Arizona, but every range (7 within 1/2 hour of downtown Tucson) let's you sign up if you have the membership fee and show you are not on the FBI 10 most wanted list or a prohibited person. Two of these are privately own and still no problem. The county is putting in another new range on the east side of town.

Sorry, I'm confused that any gun club would have a waiting list...:eek:


New member
Gun Clubs

Joe, in Arizona you don't know how good you have it when it comes to shooting.;)

There were two life memberships available this year at my club (I got one of them), Winchester Canyon Gun Club.

The club had to pay for a new EIR with a lead remediation plan and we're still waiting for our National Forest permit renewal. Here in the (over)populated areas, there's a much bigger concentration of tree huggers, shyster lawyers and hoplophobes trying to put all the ranges out of business.


How hard is it to get in that club? A four year wait.

Gee, I'm happy to hear that my range is reopening, but we're losing our 200 yard targets.


New member

There are quite a few OGCA members here at TFL. Several of us usually try to meet up there for the shows. Check Lock N load for posts from 3gun on meeting up at the shows.

Joe Portale

New member

Actually, I'm surprised that you folks in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia still have ranges. Just for the record, we did loose a range back during the AKT darker ages ( Age of Klinton Tryanny).
The range was closed by the forest service. The folks at the range are still puttingup a heroic effort and it seems like they are winning. The range was closed, but the situation has turned since it came out the reason for the closing had more to do with land swapping in favor of a developer than health and safety.

Speaking of which....

Hey any fellow Tucsonians out there? What's the status of the Sabino Canyon Range?


New member
I used to shoot there witha friend of mine that is a Howell LEO, but a few years ago they stop letting the Howell police shoot there. They can get more money from the public then the police. I signed up for ther waiting list and forgot about it, now four years later I get a letter asking me if I still wanted to be become a member. I sure do I replied and sent them off a check. Howell is about halfway between Detroit and Lansing. It will take about an hour in eather direction. This is not a big deal for me because I work about 20 min away. The only other range I know of that goes to 300 in Family Shooters Coral in Eaton Rapids.