Afraid for our 2A rights after what's going on at Capitol

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New member
After what is going on at the Capitol, and with the loss of Republican majority in the Senate, I think that passage of draconian gun law legislation is upon us. There is no stopping it now.

I think its time to stock up on accessories and gear you'd been wanting to buy, because the market is going to disappear.

I feel sorry not only for our rights, but also for the industry and everybody who makes a living in the firearms world.


New member
After what is going on at the Capitol, and with the loss of Republican majority in the Senate, I think that passage of draconian gun law legislation is upon us. There is no stopping it now.

I think its time to stock up on accessories and gear you'd been wanting to buy, because the market is going to disappear.

I feel sorry not only for our rights, but also for the industry and everybody who makes a living in the firearms world.
I would not borrow trouble before it actually comes. Any new gun laws will likely be headed thorough the court system to the Supreme Court with its majority of Conservative appointees. Although it is not a given that Conservative appointees will rule on a strict interpretation of the Second Amendment, gun owners are way better off (in theory anyway) than if the last several appointees had been Left-wing appointees. In short, let us not cry over spelt milk until the milk is actually that mixed metaphors?


New member
I believe the Democrats are going to go "all in" now. Why would they not? They have the white house and majority in both houses of congress. There's no better time than now and you do not let opportunity like this slip away when you have the upper hand. They are not stupid.

I've been critical of the NRA, but I think now, this is not the time to be fighting amongst our selves. I'm renewing my NRA membership and continuing my support for the GOA and Grass Roots NC. We need to all stand together and draw a line in the sand now.

This is the big one boys and girls. Stay vigilant and don't let them turn us into Australia or the UK.

That said, all is not lost yet. They only have the barest majority in congress. But they will make us fight for it.

Will we roll over and let them take them?
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New member
I think its worth noting that any new gun laws will inevitably end up in front of a very gun-friendly supreme court.


New member
I think its worth noting that any new gun laws will inevitably end up in front of a very gun-friendly supreme court.
The Supreme Court may help us, but that should not be plan A.

The Supreme Court is our last resort, our fall back position, our backup gun. If we let it get that far, we're done if it doesn't go our way.
The whole situation is unprecedented, volatile, and unresolved at the moment. We don't know what is happening right now, so we can't even speculate on what might happen after.

When we know more, a thread on the relevant responses to this may be warranted. For now, I don't see this going anywhere useful.
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