Aesthetics May Be Trite...


New member
But I think the 6", stainless GP-100 with the half-underlug is the best looking of all the Ruger .357 Revolvers, and as such would rather have it than the 4" or 6" standard full underlug models.


Anybody have this particular model? Seems to me it'd be less barrel-heavy than the full underlug 6"...


New member
Whereas muzzle-weight was exactly the reason I bought my six-inch full-lugger.

But it sure does look purty with that half-shroud. But as far as un-lugged barrels go, I really like old Colts. Something about that unsupported ejector rod has a lot of old-school style, which I appreciate in a wheel gun. I'm just a fool for old guns.

S&W half-shrouds are mucho stylish, too. Makes my Mountain Gun barrel look like a pole-axe blade.

Brian Williams

New member
I have recently bought both a S&W Mod 66 and 65 one with a half shroud and one with a heavy barrel and no shroud. I like the 65 the best I think, a nice heavy barrel and no snag stuff but not to heavy like my full shroud taurus tracker.

I really like all my revolvers because they each have a different use...


New member
Dudes, trying to pick which Ruger is the best looking is like trying to pick out which ugly step-sister you want to take to the ball.