Advice on an AK build

I have an AK 55 Hungarian milled receiver kit in addition to a generic stamped receiver that won't fit it.

It's an old parts kit that I've had for at least 12 years. I can't decide what I want to do-so I thought I'd ask y'all.
If have a local guy build it for me, I'll have to put +500 into it, but will have a special rifle from what he says. Milled receiver ain't cheap, and we have to add US parts you know.

I'm just wondering if I should I just sell the parts kit-(it has the barrel too) or should I get it built into a functional rifle?

I'm not an AK guy, but it would be nice to have one.
So advice would certainly we appreciated, thank you.


New member
What kind of generic receiver to you have?
I think I would check out DC Industries a.k.a. NDS receivers first when considering a parts kit build. Also I have heard the best places to send your rifle to get it built is Red Jacket firearms in LA or Rifle Dynamics in NV. I have heard it is expensive to build one, but I would go with someone who has a well known reputation for building them.
Troop, I'm not sure, I have the kit at the gunsmiths.
It is however a stamped one, that must I know.
However, it can't be affixed to the kit I have.

Does anyone know of a AK website message board? I've looked at several but they are terribly managed. Not anything like this board.
I spend most of my time on the Black Powder section here.

Also, does anyone think that I could "reverse" this process and buy a parts kit and use the stamped receiver I also have?

thanks for anyone's help.


New member
Since you already have it, I say go for it for five bills.
You say you haven't shot an AK...
Once you have, you'll be hooked.
Beautiful in their utter simplicity and reliability. Pure fun to shoot.
Thanks tobnpr,
I've had sks's and they were great fun and have shot AK on occasion, just never owned one. I don't even have a SKS anymore.

Wish I'd bought an AK back when, but we can all say that about everything else we DIDN'T buy. We can't start that whinnin' everybody would join in.:)

Looking at many different websites and prices is shocking now.

I understand that all AK's are parts kits that are put together here because of 90's laws, and also have to have some American parts.

If someone had experience having their own built or built it themselves, I'd like to hear for y'all.


New member
I can't get my mind around a milled AK kit. Wouldn't you have to have a lathe to make the receiver.

You could buy a kit from sportsman's guide and buy a U.S. barrel and use you stamped receiver blank.

I don't know how you use a milled Ak kit.

I'm interested in seeing what advice you get.

BTW - OJW was Clint's greatest movie
I'm with you, I can't figure this out.
My kit is old and comes with a barrel, maybe that's the problem.
I think I'd rather buy a barrel like most everybody has to do these days-as barrels don't come with kits anymore (another crazy law)

Anyway, maybe it's the other parts? I don't know.
Hopefully, I can get someone on here to post who knows about it.

Yes, you are right about the movie Outlaw Josey Wales. Clint said it was his favorite movie and was just made at the wrong time.
Might be his best, for me-it's the best movie in history, but that's JMHO, of course.



New member
i built 5 stamped aks so far but havent tried a milled kit, the guys over at might be able to help you find a milled reciever
Do you think the problem with not being able to use a stamped receiver is the barrel? Or is it something else?

I also thought the same thing about the akfiles message board. However, I've done everything I could to join them, however something is wrong with their system. I've joined but am still in some kind of limbo with them. I didn't think I was a bad-boy, but I guess I am still in time-out with them. It's irritating.

I emailed numerous times, although I'm a "member" I guess, I can't post to even ask a question, or even use the search section.
If you know anybody over there, please help, I'd like to post.

They are one of the "other" gun websites that isn't as well run as this one. I've gone to several and this is one of the best and easiest to use of any of them.

Thanks for the post.


New member
Ok guys
first off a milled receiver is built using a milling machine ( hence milled ) and not a lathe :) and second I have no idea why that smith is charging you 500 bucks to put that kit together. For that amount you could buy you a new one and ammo.

What I would do if I was in your situation is call nodak spud ( I believe that is there name ) or email them with information about your kit and see if they have a receiver for you, chances are they do. If they do go to your local gunstore and get them to order you one ( is has to be shipped to someone with a ffl ) then put the thing together yourself as it is very simple.

Notes on assembling the kit. The trunions should already be in place along with the rails. If they are then the hardest part is over and you didn't have to do it :D. All you have to do is press the barrel in the front trunion and put the trigger group in and you are good to go. It is extremely simple. :)


Stamped receivers require a front trunnion for be riveted to it for the barrel to be pressed ino it and a rear trunnion for the buttstock to attach to. The rear trunnion also holds the recoil spring in place. Milled receivers have the trunnions built into them.

Stamped receivers are considerably less expensive ($60-$100) as opposed to milled receivers ($250+). Milled AKs can come with threaded or pinned barrels too, so you have to know which kind you have before you try to build it. If it is a pinned barrel (as most of them are) there are different diameter barrel shanks too, although most Euro guns are the same. Yugos are different for sure, maybe Bulgarians too.

I've heard of some folks milling the original receiver stubs so that they could be used as trunnions for a stamped receiver, but its a huge waste of resources unless you just happen to have a mill and machinist buddy with too much time on his hands. You can buy the trunnions seperately for about $100 total and build your milled kit as a stamped gun if you really want to, but then you are approaching the total cost of a milled receiver.

Milled AKs bring a premium despite the fact that they are heavier and only exist because it took the Soviets some time to figure out how to make good stamped receivers. The Chinese had the same problem and solved it by using thicker sheet metal, so if you want to get a trunnion for your milled to stamped AK build, keep that in consideration and don't buy Chinese trunnions.

Also, If you order the receiver directly and just pay the FFL to do the transfer for you, you'll save taxes and the dealer's mark up.
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Man, this is getting better by the second, thanks for posting guys, great great info here.

I'm kinda' like the guy who said, "I've got no idea what you said-but it sounds great." :)

Chad, I'm sorry if I didn 't communicate this correctly, but the entire build will be between $500-$600. That a milled receiver and the build by a local smith.

That's my real question anyway.
Do I want to spend +$500 on an milled AK that's worth more?
Or did I sell the AK-55 parts kit?

I haven't been able to get the information I need.
The local smith says the Hungarian AK55 parts kit could sell for $150 or more. I thought it should be alot more, but I don't know anything. (my wife will certainly tell you that)

Do y'all think I should build or sell? Thanks

OH, BTW, I've got a stamped receiver with a trunnion already on it.
I was given the parts kit and the stamped receiver with a trunnion stuck in it, I don't have any money in it at all.

Currently my Hungarian milled parts kit and my stamped receiver with a trunnion are at the smiths, so I don't know what brand or what kind of AK the stamped receiver is for.

Should I sell the milled kit (it has a barrel too) and keep the stamped and trunnion?
That's where I am.

Thanks guys.
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New member
I would sell the kit and that would give you 150 bucks in your pocket and if you found a brand new ak47 for sale in another store for let's say 500 bucks you would have only paid 350 bucks for the gun instead of 500 or 600 it probably wont be milled but I never had a problem from a stamped ak47 :)


New member
plenty of guys on that build them or have the know how and equipment to do it. There was a build party not long ago and sure to be one in the future.
I have helped build a couple of my own. Not much to it if you have the tools and a Nodak receiver.
Here's a built hungarian.

Thanks shadowbob, just joined and awaiting the moderator to approve me.

Since I'm in Florida, some of the guys might be able to help me.
Thanks again,


New member
if i could get a milled hungarian built in the 500.00-600.00 range i would do it as long as they used a milled receiver, some people have built them with repair plates and some have machined the trunions down and used a stamped receiver