Advice on a new purchase


New member
I was given a gift certificate for Christmas (to a very nice local gun shop), and have a little extra spending cash to add to it.

Here's my dilemma: I can proably muster about $600 or so toward the purchase.

Have: Springfield XD 45 Compact & Taurus TCP (.380 ACP). I like both.

Wants: Springfield Loaded Stainless and a Springfield EMP .40 S&W
(The 1911 bug has bitten me pretty badly, and I really prefer stainless).

Need: A daily carry piece smaller than my XD45 Compact.

I'm not getting rid of the pocket gun. I like my XD45, but it's not a 1911.

I'm a lefty, so if I get a 1911, it either needs an ambi safety, or will need one fitted after purchase.

I could sell my XD45 and put that with the spending cash to get an EMP, but I would then not have a .45, and that would be too painful.

The logical choice for me would be to get a Springfield XD SubCompact in .40 S&W. I could share holsters between the XD45 & XD SC.

I could get the XD SC, sell my XD45, and pick up a cheaper full-size 1911 to replace it.

I could do nothing, continue to save, get an EMP in several months (my budget it pretty tight insofar as saving for toys).

I could buy a cheaper 1911, then sell my XD45, and pick up an XD SC later.

Or, I could ask for advice.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for bearing with my rambling post.


New member
It's your decision, but if it were me I'd figure a way to get the EMP. Maybe you could sell some other items, or just be patient and get what you really want.


New member
Sell the XD45. Get the 1911 (4" or 5", I thought SA Loaded already has ambi-safety). EDC the .380 Taurus and CC the 1911 on special days.

Later, if 380 Taurus feels inadequate for EDC, replace it or add a slightly bigger piece; S&W 3913, 6906, Walther P99c, XDc, etc. Being a small gun, I would stick with 9mm but this is me.
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gift $$$, HK45 compact, S&W MP45(compact) SIG P220 Carry/DAK...

If I were in your position, I'd keep the gift card & save a bit more for a left-handed friendly HK45 compact(LEM), a SIG P220 Carry(DAK) or maybe a new S&W Military and Police .45acp compact(with night sights & a ambi safety).

S&W offers rebates($50.00 off or 2 new mags) with new M&Ps often, :).
The line is very popular now with many US law enforcement agencies. HK45s are in use with a lot of US military spec ops. The design is based on the USP & Mark 23 .45acp sidearms.
Beretta has a new 9x19mm/.40S&W PX4 model with ambi controls. The new compact will be in stores by early(03/04) 2011. The PX4 series is highly rated.


New member
People he didn't say he wanted a Sig,HK,or any of the others mentioned.He wants a Springfield Loaded or EMP .40.

First off the EMP.Can the shop get one or do they already have one?They can be like hen's teeth and hard to find.This is going to be your biggest problem.

Do they have any Loadeds?If you want to carry it SA makes a Lightweight that is Bi-tone like the EMP.

If your dead set on 1911 and can't find the EMP or Loaded 5" there are the Champion models.Stainless,Lightweight,Lightweight Operator models.Full size grips with 4" barrel.

You mentioned cheaper 1911's.You could also go the used route with Springfield.SA for most part honors the lifetime warranty beyond the original owners as long as bubba didn't gunsmith on them with butcher knife and hacksaw.
An STI Escort (officer size 1911) would be my suggestion over a Springfield EMP. The STI is better built with better parts and can actually be found cheaper then the EMP. These guns are going to be just as tall as your XD compact though with a height of 5". The grip height is what makes a gun more concealable so you wont be gaining anything other than the grip being slightly narrower.

Personally, I like 1911's built with the smaller Officer's frame and a 4" Commander size barrel and slide. Kimber makes them and they are designated as the "Compact". STI also makes one and it is called the "Guardian". These guns tend to be a bit more reliable than the 3" Officers model 1911's.

No real reason to fear getting retaining the 45 caliber in these smaller pistols as they are very well balanced and the steel frames really absorb the recoil as does the right set of grips. As far as the ambi safety goes it will cost you about $100, parts and labor, to have an ambi safety installed if the gun does not come with one.


New member
Save a little and possibly find a deal on a good used EMP, or search for something along the lines of a kimber ultra used as well, etc. A new EMP will take a decent chunk out of the pocket book, for a gun in that price range I would definitely be looking for a quality used firearm. There are plenty of gun collectors that buy/sell guns more often than I change t-shirts, so if you are patient you are bound to find one that someone picked up and maybe put 50-100 rounds through it and stuck it in a safe until they decided to sell it.

I personally think it is a bad idea selling off a gun you are satisfied/happy with just to get something you want more. You will likely end up regretting it later, and you selling it means you will lose money that you invested in it. Just my .02 - fight the itch as best you can, and try and save.


New member

Thanks for the advice - I think I'm going to wait & sit tight until I can afford the EMP. I've got a year on the gift certificate.

The shop I went to had 4 EMPs in stock (2 in .40S&W & 2 in 9mm). They were asking $1149 for one of the EMP40s - not bad for retail.