Advice needed for a junior shooter

Superhouse 15

New member
One of the firefighters I work with has asked me for advice and help teaching his 11 year old son to shoot. I have met the young man and he shows an interest in all things shooting and gun related, much like many of us did I'm sure. His parents have zero firearms experience. I'd like to give him some things to study, maybe some "homework". Think of it as a small project before he actually gets to the range. I was hoping to draw up a quiz of some type with questions he would have to research on his own. I know I'd include the NRA rules. Probably a picture to identify various parts of different firearms.

Your thoughts on what else to include? Any rescources or links besides the NRA basic stuff?


New member
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but have you even looked at the NRA site? What don't you like about their youth program material? Why reinvent the wheel? Just in case you haven't seen what they offer, start here: There is a lot more than just "the NRA basic stuff" here. There is a lot of good stuff in the Resources and Information section. This is one of their jobs and they do it quite well.

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New member
IMHO his parents need some firearm experiance first, I grew up around firearms and never had any proper "training" untill I was an adult getting my CCW. my father taught me about guns as matter of factly as he would have taught me anything else. I think it was becuse of his confidence and knowledge that I was following safe practices even when I was young.
Sorry if that was long winded but I guess what I am saying is teach your friend first, he can't guide his son if he doesn't know himself.


New member
I respectfully suggest that the son & father both

take a Hunter's Safety course first. This allows both to gauge intent and uses a recognized program as a basis. He may never want to go farther.

Then start is he interested in small bore match shooting or metallic silhouette?
each one has different needs.


New member
I agree with a safety course , they are a great idea, I don't want to give the impresion I don't belive in professional training just becuse I didn't have any.
I was just trying to say you need to knowsomehting before you can teach it.


New member
Check with your county extension agent about the 4H program in your area. 4H has an excellant shooting program. In fact Shooting Sports is the fastest growing event in 4H.


New member
The hunter safty course is a great idea. Also check into the Boy Scouts of America stuff. They had some prety good resources when I was a scout so many years ago.
I also recomend teaching with an airgun first. Once all points of safty and resposibility have been shown then move up to fire arms. It is also good to get the family involved.
I have done this whith my neighbors and they now shoot regulary the whole family. The mom was not as excited at first till she started the airguns and picked it up so well she outshot the rest of the family, it was not long after that they moved up to a couple of .22s and now frequent the range at least once a week.