Advice, and suggestions, please...


New member
Hi, all, and happy turkey day!

I have found a Colt Gov't, Series 80, in good condition. It is a 9mm.

It is used, and the place I found it at wants $600.00. Fair price? What should I be paying for one in about 95% condition? Anything specific to look for?



New member
Buy it then take it to your local gun hack and have them polish and throat the feeding ramp(most shops call it a reliability package), cause most of the good ol' series 80 9mm's fed like crap for one reason or another. If it's already been done better yet!

All in all not too bad of a price, Buy it and have fun! :)

P.S. If you need em, I still have a pair if New in Package COLT 9mm magazines in blue finish somewhere around here.


New member
Buy it then take it to your local gun hack and have them polish and throat the feeding ramp(most shops call it a reliability package), cause most of the good ol' series 80 9mm's fed like crap for one reason or another. If it's already been done better yet!

All in all not too bad of a price, Buy it and have fun!

P.S. If you need em, I still have a pair if New in Package COLT 9mm magazines in blue finish somewhere around here.


New member
That is a tad high if it is just plain blued. Also 95% condition can mean a lot of things to different people. Do you know 1911's well enough to check for home gunsmithing (i.e. butchery) screw ups? Always be leary of this in older 1911's. Correct finish? At 600 it should be real nice with all the correct parts and original box.

9mm Colts are hard to find but they don't usually demand premium pricing.