Adventures in homebrew leather: Suspenders Of The Apocalypse

Jim March

New member

This was an attempt to see "how high could I go?" and as you can see, the answer is "whoa". I like this rig a lot and have been wearing it for two weeks now, including a week in Florida where open carry is banned and deep concealment is a must. This rig conceals ridiculously well considering the size of the gun involved and it's still not quite a "shoulder holster" although it's getting damned close.

I also tried out an odd "flat sided pancake" design for the main body. The base is two thicknesses of decent leather with the holster body coming out over the gun. It rests flat against me. I also did the "tombstone cut" for the cylinder which helps with the gun's retention plus keeps everything more compact. The same concept could work on a belt rig set up lower in a more conventional manner.


New member
I like the general concept. I had envisioned something somewhat similar though a bit more of a should holster and with the gun butt to the rear and the gun canted forward. In other words, like a very, very high belt holster. The idea was to place the weight on the shoulders and not have a service sized steel gun dragging the pants down.

Having the butt to the rear would mean it could be drawn without sweeping other people which is the problem with a true shoulder holster.