Admit it, you value rifles greater than pistols.


New member
Thought I'd sneak in a new topic under the wire.

Whenever I prepare to go shooting, the first consideration is what rifles should go. Almost as an afterthought, and if there's room, I'll toss in a pistol or two.

How many others lopsidedly favor rifles over pistols?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Rifles work better for hunting. Hunting, aside from "just fun", also means Food. Ugh! Food good! :D Deer, hog, antelope, squirrel...

Pistols are fun; heck, I enjoyed IPSC for three years. I keep in practice for self-defense, but pistols qua pistols just don't appeal to me nearly so much as rifles.

:), Art


New member
I go back and forth on this: some range days, I schlep out an armload of rifles and bags and bags of ammo . . . and a pistol. Some days, it's ten pistols and a rifle.

Ultimately, I suppose my AR sort of splits the difference . . . at least in feeling.


New member
Yhe rifle is THE thing that I consider for each range trip. I try to shoot a mag or two through my defense pistol each time and usually bring a pistol to shoot for fun but the rifle is the purpose of the trip.

Rifles are primary weapons. Pistols are "personal weapons" and in the military view, the weapons of last resort. When I had to evacuate my home a few years back, I grabbed my Sig and a case with a scoped rifle.
Not even close.

My old S&W revolvers are what do it for me.

Yes, I love Savage 99s, but if I had to pick between hanging on to my Model 19 or my Model 99, I'd have to pick the Model 19.


New member
I value my handguns more because I carry one almost all the time. I take a rifle to the range once in a while to stay sharp, but it's my pistols that will be with me 99% of the time.


New member
Gotta go with the rifle..never really liked pistol much...doesn't require the inherent skill needed to shoot as well as a good rifle.

REALLY wanted to start a flame war on a closing BB!



New member
[As I prepare to write something that will stand the test of time, and take up pages and pages of screen, the only thing that comes to mind is......]


Brian, :D


New member
I was raised on rifles, the concept of a nation of riflemen, and consider pistols to be a category of rifles. They're just short inaccurate rifles with some pieces missing. <grin>



New member
When I go to the range I always take at least two rifles and a sidearm on my hip, once in a while an extra pistol in the range bag. I usually shoot the pistols only while I'm waiting for the rifle barrels to cool.

I've always thought it was funny that the majority of my pistols cost more than my rifles. I feel I get more for the money when I buy a rifle.

If you subscribe to the notion that only accurate guns are interesting, rifles are easier to shoot accurately. Therefore, rifles are more interesting!