Adjustment and use of three point sling on M590A1


New member
I have looked on the net and can't find anything that explains how to adjust a three point sling and how it should fit. CQB solutions has instructions on different carry methods but not much on how it should it.

So I am looking for some type of instructions like you can find for using a ching sling, sling with cuffs, etc to hold me over until I can find a shotgun course within decent driving distance.


New member
With a ching sling I did see a video in the internet on how to use it, and some good positons for a steady shot if you don't have anything to set it on.

I'll see if I can find the video again...

hmm didn't see the video did find a how to install it

This picture shows someone using it...

if you look closly you can see that the first strap goes behind his bicep so you can put backward pressure while holding the rifle which should allow you to steady it more ...

Sorry but that's all I could find...


New member
My first post appears to be confusing. I am looking for instructions like those you can find for the ching sling but for a tactical three point sling. A tactial three point sling is different from a ching sling. It only attaches at two points but the rear attachment point is basicly just a loop the strap goes through and then continues back around to a slide that moves along the the strap between the two attachment points. That is the best description I can give. It allows for things like just letting the rifle/shotgun go and it just lays along your body while you go for sidearm or something else. It isn't really designed for long range rifle use.