'Adjusting' nill grips?

chris in va

New member
Maybe I'm posting out of trepidation, but want to get some opinions. I bought a set of match grips for my CZ, at a heavily discounted price. They fit perfectly and feel outstanding, but the grip extends below the basepad of the magazine. It has a rather large flare at the bottom.

To the point, is there any harm in sanding off some wood at the bottom to at least make them flush?


New member
Why not? They're Nill "custom" grips... all you're doing is making them more custom for your needs. Whittle away! ;)


chris in va

New member
Thanks guys.

On a side note I discovered the mag release is too short with these on. Did some drills at our IDPA range and couldn't reliably drop the mags. It's always a tradeoff, isn't it...