Adjustable Trigger and Double Taps?


New member
I have a Jewel 2 stage trigger installed in a VR15 .204, it's set about 3.5# and 1.5#, just guessing by feel.
Shooting paper and using a light steady paper killing pull, I will get an occasional double tap.

Could that be due to excess over-travel or too light a trigger pull or something else??:confused:

Thanks for any help!


You need to learn to manage the AR trigger. When firing, pull the trigger all the way to it's stop before releasing. I have some problems switching from a bolt action to the AR and occasionally a second shot gets away. Never happens when I stroke the trigger all the way back and release.


New member
Also, in addition to the above correct advice, it is necessary to place the butt of the rifle well into the shoulder so it can't move back on its own during recoil.
I have had several that were light triggers and could double or triple tap. you just follow all the way through the trigger and hold the rifle to your shoulder and it should stop. But if not, that trigger needs re-adjusted, and examined. I had a friend with an AR-10 and a jewell that could not make it work.


New member
Doubling ≠ Double tap.

If you did it on purpose, it is a double-tap. If the rifle does it on it's own, it is doubling.

I would consider increasing the overtravel slightly, see if the problem goes away.


New member
What I found was the over travel was adjusted as recommended but was slightly to far.
So, I guess it was both too much over travel and recoil resetting the trigger.

All is good now:D