

New member
The time has come for me to turn off the lights, pack away the computer, and hit the road. When and where I drop anchor again, if at all, is still a questionmark.

Thanks everyone for a most entertaining diversion from the daily humdrum of imminent terrorist attack warnings, gun-owner bashing, and holiday sales. It's been fun.

May you be in Heaven ten minutes before the devil knows you're dead.

The Flatfoot

PS: for those of you that wondered; the 40oz part of my user name comes from the weight of my duty 1911 when I have my Pachmayr wrap-around grips installed on it.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's & Best Wishes Flatfoot-

If we can be of help, all ya' gotta do is hit the keyboard pal.
May GOD bless you and yours, and keep ya' out of harms way.

Happy Hunt'in,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member