addicted to bp rifles


New member
I shot my brand new traditions muzzleloader and can't get enough of it. I just want to see what peoples experiences have been with black powder rifles and handguns


New member
My experiences? I wanna shoot it, and I wanna shoot it more, then I want another one, and I wanna shoot it and also shoot the first one, then I want two more different ones, and also really want two more like the ones I already had to start with......and then....... :)


New member
My experiences? I wanna shoot it, and I wanna shoot it more, then I want another one, and I wanna shoot it and also shoot the first one, then I want two more different ones, and also really want two more like the ones I already had to start with......and then.......

OMG I'm rolling over here. Too funny. I read that to my wife and she said and I quote "Holy Crap SHAWN! THAT SOUNDS LIKE YOUR TWIN"

Doc Hoy

New member
My reaction is...

....That it is an "affliction". It should be treated as a medical condition is treated.

Medication - another rifle or revolver

Therapy -to be administered either on the range, at your work bench, or on this forum.


New member
Beagle33 + 1

I have long passed the addicted stage and progressed to the afflicted. Not by accident that there is always room in my safe, for one more SideCocker. ... :eek:

I just remembered that I don't have a .40. .... :confused:

Don't blow down the barrel and;
Be Safe !!!


New member
I feel ya, I was solidly a pistolero, until I experienced shooting percussion and flintlock rifles. I now am the proud owner of a springfield Hawken .50, and we got the antique .38 rifle I inherited to fire. Now I'm hooked on rifles too!