Added a rail to a Springfield Loaded


New member
I had been looking for a railed 1911 for use as a dedicated HD handgun and couldn't find one I really cared for, so I decided to add a rail to one I already had. I chose this Springfield Loaded because I have 2 others identical to it, and this one has no sentimental value attached to it, which was important in case I managed to trash the frame in the process. It has also seen extensive ammo and magazine testing and is known to be reliable.

The rail I added was the Caspian Recon Rail, and was chosen for no quantifiable reason, it just jumped out at me. It is not as low profile as others, but for this weapon's purpose that wasn't a consideration.

I used two of the included mounting screws, secured with red Loctite, as well as using JB Weld to secure the rail to the dustcover. I also trimmed the front and rear of the rail to fit my dustcover like I wanted. I still have some detail work with a file to do cleaning up some overrun on the JB Weld, but overall I am satisfied with the results. I went to the range this morning for a 500 round trial run, and all is good so far.

Obligatory pics-





