Actual Hands On facts...recoil 500 vs 460


New member
Just curious if anyone has both a 500 S&W and a 460 S&W??? And can tell which has the most recoil?? I have a 500 with 8 3/8 barrel,,,and am getting soon a 460 with 8 3/8 barrel..and was just wondering which will have more recoil....after reloading...i will be loading mine with 440 gr casts for the 500,,,and 300 gr casts for the 460.... tkx in advance for any help.


New member
Tkx pal.... I had this talk with the guys at the shop today....and I thought the 500 would have more...but they tried to tell me that they heard that the 460 is more...but they dont have either one.


New member
I own a 500 and have shot the 460. IMHO, the 500 has far more recoil when you consider the heavier bullets. Lighter bullets around 320 gr in the 500 are manageable and recoil is comparable to the 460 with max loads & heavy bullets.
Having said that, when you fire bullets of > 400 grains out of the 500, the recoil is much more noticeable.

The Terminator

New member
Ted does not like to lock his arms when he shoots, that's me by the way. :) Ted can shoot more accurately when he does not hold the gun like he is afraid of it. If Ted actually gets hit in the head, hopefully it will not be on video, he will think about locking his arms.


New member
LOL... just hackin on ya ted... I know thats you... and the BFR didnt come too far from that head that you were speaking of. :rolleyes:

The Terminator

New member
I knew you were kidding. Still, look around on you tube for Leroy, shooting a snubby 500 mag, he got whacked good. Sorry for the drift...


New member
Thas ok.... Im thinking about getting a lighter bullet for my 500s....I like the barnes bullets...but damn they are pricey.:eek:



New member

Difficult to compare perceived recoil for many shooters......but free recoil is just a simple matter of physics.
Take two guns and cartridges - caliber makes little or no difference - load them with the same weight bullets with the same amount and type of propellant to the same velocity and fire them in guns of the same weight and design and recoil will be the same.
Change any one of the details above and recoil will change. A shooter's perception of that recoil, however, may depend on other factors - experience with heavy recoiling guns, size and anatomy of the shooter's hand, sensitivity to muzzle blast, etc.
As described in the OP, the 500 will have more recoil......unless the 300 grainers are wildly faster. (440grains at 1625 fps from a 3lb gun = 80 ft.lbs free recoil. 300 grains at 2060 fps from a 3lb gun = 63 ft.lbs free recoil)
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New member
You really should keep your finger off the trigger while making adjustments to the scope. The BC gap blast on those things can do real damage.


Member Emeritus
Never had any interest in the .500, but I have fired a .460 snub one-handed.
It wasn't bad at all.