Acronyms REFORM! (FTF=FTF, NOT!!)


New member
Okay, some might consider this a petty beef, but I'm almost ready to scream.

FTF sometimes = failure to fire.

FTF sometimes = failure to feed.

FTE sometimes = failure to extract.

FTE sometimes = failure to eject.

All of these *different* "jams" take place at different stages of the firing/empty removal/reloading sequence. Some can be magazine-related, others are almost impossible to be mag-related. Any may be ammo-related, but whether it's a "gun" problem is often debatable.

May I suggest for future TFL Semiauto Forum posts:

FTFr = failure to fire.

FTFd = failure to feed.

FTEx = failure to extract.

FTEj = failure to eject.

Are there any other ambiguities I've missed?

FWIW, I'm always skeptical of dismissing FTFr as "ammo problem" that doesn't count for assessing reliability of the firearm WHEN THE ROUND FIRES ON THE SECOND TRY. Inadequate hammer spring/striker spring power or excess friction in the firing mechanism can cause this--and such causes CAN BE/ARE design, materials, or durability defects in the firearm!

Rant mode off.


New member
What about using FTX for failure to extract, that way you're saving on typing an extra letter, and you can continue to call a Failure to Eject an FTE.

Navy joe

New member
I always type FTFeed, FTFire, etc. Even in those there are distinctions depending on the weapon as to exactly how it failed.

Mal H

laynlow - TAGO! I'm ROTFLMAO!

Probably more time wasted worrying about them than time saved using them.

(Honestly, Cheapo, this is not a criticism, just a little humor. I understand and sometimes share your frustration.)


New member
Just go ahead and scream.

It will save a lot of time and frustration.

The purpose of writing is to be understood by others, so the context surrounding the abbreviations reveals their meanings. Otherwise, it's an FTEx (Failure to Explain) what's meant, and who's got time to mess with those?


New member
Mal H:

I have every intention of having some fun when I started this thread.



Kaylee got the biggest chuckle out of me.

Thanks, y'all!

Mal H

... by where the empty shell ends up after the failure. In an FTExtract, the shell remains in the chamber and a new round may or may not be stripped from the mag. If it's a case of FTExtract-all-the-way, the new round might be held up by the empty which is now canted in the chamber.

In an FTEject, the empty is usually sitting somewhere in the breech but fully out of the chamber, i.e., a "stovepipe".

There are hundreds of variations of both types of failure caused by about as many different mechanical, ammo-related, or user problems.

Mal H

I dare anyone to answer that correctly.

If you do answer it, ask yourself this little math question, "How long have I been a member of TFL, not counting today that is?"


(Khornet, I'm not sure if you're kidding - but it stands for a variation of "what the hey!")

Navy joe

New member
Almost Mal, almost, but I really suck at math. Maybe it was 5, maybe it 6, so you gotta ask yourself...

How about FTL. Seems to be rather common here stands for Failure to prevent fat-fingering while typing TFL. Of course I thought that stood for totally ______ ludicrous which some of us live up to in silly threads like this. :D