ACOG's and the Like


New member
I am looking into getting an AR-15 and would like to know what my options for sights that are NOT BATTERY operated yet can be used in low light conditions, similar to the ACOG. Any ideas?


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Leupold has a new model out that does not require lithium batteries, the exact model# evades me right now, but it sells for around $449.00 and uses it, it is the Leupold 1x14 prismatic tactical scope which uses a glass etched reticle.. would look really good on an AR-15 rifle, short scope...
It also saves you lots over an Acog.............


New member
I know it's a little expensive but I think the ACOG is worth every penny. Mine gets beat up every day here, and it holds it's zero everytime. Can't wait to get back and put it on my personal AR.


New member
Are you wanting ACOG sort of magnification as well, or just looking for something that runs on tritium/has no batteries?


New member
i think we need something that works with no batteries, dont need to have to stockpile those as well.
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Nothing beats the real thing. ;)

However the newer Aimpoints have so much battery life, as long as you don't need magnification, that's an awesome route.


New member
How are the tritium type sights these days? I had an old Trijcon OEG a long time back, and it wasnt the best in a couple of situations. I know thats light years ago from now, but have they got the bugs all worked out?

By bugs I mean, brighter tritium that you can pick up when moving from bright to dark, and pick up well quickly when your eyes are not yet adjusted, and better fiber optics that works in low light when your in the shadows and theres not a lot of light but to much for the tritium to work. The tritium dot in the OEG always washed out as the light even slightly picked up and only really worked well in near total darkness with your eyes adjusted.

The one reason I like my Aimpoints so much is, I can close the front cover and set the dot at a comfortable level for dark, and still see it well against the cover in bright light. This way you can move from bright to dark and back and always have a dot with no wash out. Have the ACOG's come to the point you can always have an aiming point all the time?

The battery thing for the Aimpoints is really a non issue, a new one once a year or every 5 years depending on the model, twice a year if it really bothers you, and thats for 24/7 on.


New member
The ACOG was specifically designed for the AR-15/M16 rifle. It was designed a a fighting scope. no one has come up with anything yet that even comes close to the ACOG for it's intended purpose.

I have one on a Busmaster. I'm saving my mney right now to get a second one for a DPMS LR 308 AP4.

Expensive, yes! but damn well worth every penny!:D :p :D

When you have the best rifle out there, why not put the best sight on it?


New member
Thanks for the advise/help. I will probably stick with the ACOG, I like the low power magnification and illumination that it provides and if it gets too dark I can always tape a small chem light to it.


New member
the trijicon tripower can be used WITHOUT the batteries and use the fiberoptic coil and tritium.
Just curious, but how well does it work without the batteries? Am I to assume they added power to make up for the problems the OEG's had? Their website really didnt give a whole lot of info on them.

Another question after reading up on the Tripower, what happens when the tritium starts to run down? I know my old tritium pistol sights were about half as bright after ten years or so, and they were a lot brighter then, than my old OEG when new.


New member
The whole illuminated reticle thing really only helps at dawn or dusk on a magnified scope, at night with sufficient illum thick reticle lines work pretty good.

Oh yeah, and tritium has a half life of twelve years so you are better off with a fiber optic solution or stocking up on batteries for consitant performance over the long run.


Billy Sparks

New member
Just curious, but how well does it work without the batteries?

Depends on the amount of light around you. I have never tried it in a darkened room, yet. But in the house during the day, including in the basement the cheron showed up fine.


New member
Thanks Billy, I figured they must have worked some of the bugs out by now, but I was starting to wonder. The OEG's were really bad in that respect, and most all of them do it to some point, thats why I like just closing the front cover and using it like an OEG. Doesnt matter if its pitch black or bright light or anywhere in between, I always have a dot.