Accurate Powders In DFW


New member
I have been trying to find Accurate #9 for a full power 357 Sig load I have wanting to try.

Ray's Sporting Goods in Dallas is a great store and a shooters friend. They have a good selection of other powders but said their distributer does not carry Accurate powders and the hazmat fees makes it hard for them to carry them so they don't.

Cabellas north of Ft. Worth was next. I was dissapointed in their selection of powders and bullets but they had lots of other reloading stuff and "What A Store" but no Accurate #9 though they did have a couple of Accurate powders.

Went to Outdoor World today and no Accurate powders on the shelf at all. Great store and best bullet selection in the area I know of and carries lots of relaoding stuff.

Euless Guns And Ammo was my last store today and only had one pound of Accurate 2700. I was told they usually carry some Accurate powders. Good local store, good people, tries to support the reloader and I understand they cannot carry everything.

Am I shopping at the wrong local DFW stores for Accurate #9? Is Accurate powders a local distribution problem?

Sorry to be so long winded but thought somebody might know.

Best Regards,


New member
Call Alpine Shooting Range, Its in Ft Worth/ Kenadale. Talk to Robbie. Tell him Robert Crews sent you, and tell him what your looking for. if he doesn't have it he can get it.


New member
The gun show will be at Market Hall this weekend and I'm pretty sure you can
get some there. I have some 2, 5, and 9 and that show is when I usually buy
powder and other supplies so I'm guessing that's where I got it.


New member
Thanks For The Replys

I know about Alpine. They are the closest public range to me that I know of and a great place to shoot. I will probably be there this weekend (if work or the heat doesn't interfeer) to try out a couple of other powders I already have.

I have and will continue to buy several things at gun shows but powder is not one of them at this time. Too many reasons to list, please forgive.

Thanks again.


New member
Bullet Trap and Gun Master (both in Plano) usually have lots of accurate. Give them a call before you make the drive. Also Southwest Ammo Supply in Garland - nice folks. Give them a call too...they close at 3pm on Saturdays.



New member
Gunmaster in Plano had AA#9 2 days ago. Should still have some. Southwest Ammo will probably be at the Market Hall gun show this weekend and should have some also.


New member

I will be in the Plano area tuesday morning and should be able to drop by Gun Master and Bullet Trap. Always willing to check out another gun store.

Ones again Thanks!