Accuracy/quality of Savage 116FSAK


New member
Hello TFL forum -- first post here:

I have been in the market for an affordable big game mountain rifle -- elk hunting and the like -- and had pretty much assumed I would buy a Remmy 700 or Ruger M77 in 7mmRemMag.

I recently have run across an enormous amount of good press about Savage rifles, especially the Tactical/heavy barrel series.

Since what I want in a mountain rifle are: great accuracy, light weight, reasonable recoil, impervious to elements...the Savage 116FSAK really appeals to me. 7.25 lb (long action), synthetic stock, fluted bbl, muzzle break.

I know the Savage reputation for attrocious triggers...that can be fixed for about $90. Does anyone have any experience with the 116...especially the muzzle break/fluted bbl? Do I give up any of that accuracy to get those?

This model sure is appealing...especially with a street price of around $500.


New member
My buddy has one in .338 mag----its pretty accurate and he used it to get a moose in Canada last september.

With scope and mounts--its not exactly what you would call lightweight. He put an aftermarket trigger on it--but can't recall exactly what kind.

As too quality---come on--its a Savage----very crude but works well.


New member
I just bought one a little while ago. I haven't been able to shoot it too much yet. Between work and preparing for deer season, now hunting.... you know how it is.

The barrel is what I would call a medium heavy contour. Actual rifled length is 20". The last 2" are the brake. I was able to adjust the trigger safely down to a very crisp 4lb. A little heavier that what I normally like but FAR from being a aweful trigger. Actually, it's quite good.

I don't like Savage' synthetic stock. Bell and Carlson just released a new synthetic stock called the Duramax. It is designed for Savage heavy barrels and retails for under $90. I will have one before Spring.

The bolt operation is smooth and easy and so far feeding has been perfect.

Accuracy. This is what you really want to know about. Unfortunately I have been plagued with scope problems. I got the better part of a box of 150gr Remington Corlocked ammo before my spare scope went south. It was shooting between.5" and .75" at 100 yds.. Not too shabby for cheap, off the shelf ammo of unknown age. I have decided to save my pennys and get the proper scope instead of trying to make do with another cheap one.

I have also bought one of David Tubbs Final Finish kits for the barrel. Savages barrels, while being known for superior quality are also known for being a little rough right out of the box. the Final Finish kit will remove all the remaining tool marks and tight spots and should make the barrel much easier to clean and allow it to retain it's accuracy much longer.

The brake works as advertised. Recoil is noticably reduced at the bench. I can't tell you about accuracy differences or POI shifts yet.

I can't give the rifle a wholehearted recomendation just yet due to my limited experience with it. I am HIGHLY optimistic that this will be an absolute tack driver. I hope to have everything together by summer. When I do I'll let you know how it turned out.