Accuracy is a component of...?


New member
I've been playing with a .308win load for the last few months and I think I've isolated the most accurate load for my rifle. I'm loading 180gr Sierra MK over 42 to 42.1 grains of IMR4895 in the velocity range of 2615fps. These are going in once fired Federal GMM brass with Fed GMM primers. Cases and bullets are weighed for consistency. On a good day, these loads are capable of .3MOA.

To get to this point, I've focused on just varing the powder charge and I have not changed any of the other factors.

So, my question is, If I was to try other combinations of loads (i.e. different powders, bullet weights, primers, etc.), what information can I take from my previous experiences with this rifle? Is accuracy strictly a component of velocity? or is it something else?

I'd hate to think that I just stumbled across an accurate load and now I have to retest from scratch if I change one or a few variables. It's taken a really long time to get here and the only thing that I can really say, with any confidence, is that the gun shoots really well in and around the velocity of 2615fps.

BTW: If it is velocity, then I have other qestions.

Any help would be appreciated!


New member
I dont think think you`re going to get much better than .3". You must have been lucky, and started out with the right components, and tweaked it for maximum accuracy. Congrats on those groups!! Many of us would be tickled to get .75"! Good shooting-


New member
Try GEEN788'S Method of load development. He calls it the "OCW" method - it's close to the Audette method that he has put his own twist in it. I have tried it in 2 rifles so far with great results. I will try it on a 3rd rifle this weekend. It is the easiest and most efficient way to come up with _THE_ load I have seen. I have been reloading for almost 19 years. I like HIS method better than mine. Do a search on "OCW".

Just for giggles, I tried his method on a 6.5-284 that shoots like a laser with 142gr MK's and H4831. I arrived at the same "0ptimal" powder weight with his method as I did with mine. Mine took probably 4-5 times more ammo and much, more time. Give his method a shot (pun intended).


Dave P

New member
Redhook, sounds like you have a winner - time to call this rifle mastered, and move on to another one :D

Is the OCW method same as the Ladder method that I like?

Ladder Method

PS Just in case you want to play more (don't we all?), verify your load at different (longer) distances.