Accidental shooting... the lighter side?

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New member
Not to make light of an accidental shooting, or an injury to an 85 year old man... but apparently he's ok (shot with a .32) after having been shot by a female friend. The victim and friend were trying to get a possum that was in their chicken coop; the friend missed with her first shot, and the bullet struck the man.

But the part that managed to make the wife and I laugh... guilty though we felt, was the part about the lady, after accidentally hitting the man, then shooting the possum before calling the police.

Southern Rebel

New member
To paraphrase that expressions we hear many, many times:

"When seconds count, the police are just minutes away - but she probably had only a few seconds to bag the possum. (At her advanced age, she may have only a few seasons left for bagging possums!)

Uncle Buck

New member
Have you seen the price of chickens lately?

This should go to illuminate why you need proper lighting when shooting.


New member
When seconds count, the police are just minutes away

Just imagine how far away animal control was:)

Not kidding, animal control officer for the city I live in actually told a woman who called about a family of nuisance raccoons to go buy a gun and shoot them....Good idea in theory, except she lives in the city limits. Needless to say her next call was to her councilman.


New member
How many shots did it take? :)
I am picturing a very shaky hand and the critter was no dought a moving target.
One of the long ago ambulance calls I responded to was an old duffer chasing chickens around the farmyard with a butcher knife, in his birthday suite.
After five minuets with that family we determined the old boy was the sanest one on the farm! :eek:


New member
Just imagine how far away animal control was

Not kidding, animal control officer for the city I live in actually told a woman who called about a family of nuisance raccoons to go buy a gun and shoot them....Good idea in theory, except she lives in the city limits. Needless to say her next call was to her councilman.
In my town, animal control is handled by Sheriff's deputies. If it needs to be shot, they do it. If it needs to be trapped, they scratch their heads. If anything else needs to happen... they call the fire department. We used to have animal control. It disappeared when the economy crashed.

The two suburbs near me that still have animal control departments... don't really give those departments enough funding to do their jobs. In one suburb: Two trucks, six officers, no storage facility. They have to take animals to the Humane Society or local organisations. Hours of operation: 11 am to 5 pm, Tuesday through Thursday. Whatever you do, don't have an issue with a rabid dog on a Friday. They won't check their answering machine until lunch time on Tuesday.

The other suburb: 16 officers :)eek:), 5 trucks, a large facility, and a veterinarian on staff! ...Except they only deal with "imminent threats to human life", and stray cats/dogs. Oh... And their hours of operation are Monday-Thursday, 10 am to 5 pm. Again... Don't run across a rabid dog on a Friday.

Did I mention there are County and City ordinances for discharging a weapon? Idiots...
They passed laws to stop people from taking care of threats posed by animals, because they had animal control departments that could handle it. Then, they stripped all the funding from animal control...


New member
Question for GBro

GBro: Was that how many shots for the Possum or the man??

Forget the price of Chicken. Have you seen the price of Possum?:D

Finish the mission made me laugh!!!
The moral of the story: Always send an old lady on a Snuff mission.:cool:
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New member
Don't run across a rabid dog on a Friday.

agreed. seems all the aggressive dogs in my neighborhood like to get out on the weekends, and a public service agency that's only open just over 50% of the time is little better than useless IMO, especially when it deals with potentially dangerous scenarios.

in one of the less dramatic episodes with a stray dog, we called the regular cops once because a stray pit bull jumped into my aunt's car when she came for a visit, they whistled for him and he got in their car instead, then they completely ignored the other dog i pointed out to them that had been wandering around for days down the street :mad: then again, it was after i let my dog out to pee and found the pit in the back yard, my dog doesn't like other dogs so she was going ballistic on her chain and i started hollering and waving a fence post at him until he ran away, guess it was sort of dramatic after all.
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