"Accidental Shooting Death"


New member
News Link A 15-year-old boy was critically injured Saturday when he shot himself in the head. The incident was being called an accident by police investigators, said Clayton County police Lt. Jeff Turner. "Apparently the boy thought the gun was not loaded when he placed it to his head and pulled the trigger," Turner said. Six or seven other teenagers were in the house in Hampton at the time, Turner said. Family members asked Grady Memorial Hospital not to release the boy's current medical condition.
Now even at 15, the thought has to occur "What if . . . " This sort of thing never wins the Darwin Awards, but they should create a hall of fame so they can collectively retire this sort of thing.


Boy!, how many times have were heard this story

"a house full of teenagers"

With the gothic doom and gloom mentality the little ****s posses today, it's a wonder this doesn't happen more often.


David Scott

New member
Please, please, please!

Teach your kids about guns. The four safety rules, etc.

I personally believe that whenever you are not physically present, the guns belong in a safe. Especially if you have kids.


New member
The inherent problem is simply that the majority of the public simply is not educated about firearms anymore.

The kid got all he needed to know from TV and movies and was being cool, because the heros in the movie do this kind of stuff all the time.

This wasn't an accident if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you just gotta accept the fact that you might very well blow what little damn brains you have out the other side.

Schools should be teaching gun saftey all over. It should be mandatory. This would both educate and take the forbidden coolness out of them. How often do you here of a kid accidently killing themselves with a power drill or skill saw. Doesn't happen because those things are not cool and forbidden.


This is why I try to teach everybody I know about firearms even if they hate them. I could care less if you never want to own or shoot a gun, heck it is even your perogative to vote to ban them but I sure as heck want you to know enough about them that in case you or your family or kids come across one to be able to handle it safely for their own and others sake.

Very very sad never should have happend. I knew enough about guns at 7 years old to know which end the bullet comes out and what it could do.

The watermellon test should be mandatory viewing in every school.

Pray for the family and pray that the friends learn something from this tragedy.



New member
Wow, it blows my mind that someone could have a firearm in their house and NOT teach their children better that this... of course, that's assuming this WAS an accident... forgive me if I am a little skeptical.

Now there WAS a kid here in our town a couple of months ago who shot himself in the leg while cleaning his gun (called 911 laughing, was dead 2 minutes later because he'd hit his femoral artery), and I really don't know HOW you can shoot yourself while cleaning a gun... anyone wanna explain this to me?


We were going camping once and just before we left my teenage son and one of his freinds came buy. My .357 was sitting init's holster on the table and the friend asked if he could see it. I said sure, and took it out of the holster and handed it to him. Immediatly he made a stupid looking face and put the revolver to his head and started to pull the trigger. My wife yelled at him and I took it away from him and told him just how ignorant he was.

He asked if it was loaded and I said no, but since you didn't bother to check it first....what a dumass.


New member
The inherent problem is simply that the majority of the public simply is not educated about firearms anymore.
What's to know? A gun is the original "Point and Click" interface, and what happens has been shown in the movies and television (although highly exaggerated). Common sense tells you not to point it at a person.