Accidental Deaths


New member
[gun grabber]Well have you ever heard of a criminal breaking in to a person's house and using their medication against them?!!??![/gun grabber]


New member
Oh Lordy! I have a couple trucks AND I have a bunch of firearms AND I have some medicine in the bathroom. I'm doomed I tell ya! DOOMED!! I'll be lucky to make it to the end of the week.:D


New member
Oh Lordy! I have a couple trucks AND I have a bunch of firearms AND I have some medicine in the bathroom. I'm doomed I tell ya! DOOMED!! I'll be lucky to make it to the end of the week.

For pete's sake, drill some holes in the side of your bathtub pronto. You're an accidental death magnet!


New member
I get terrible hay fever and it's getting to be that time of year! I too am doomed! Guns, a truck, and some Benadryl! Tell my wife I love her.....I'm not gonna make it....


New member
Where's the ground swell from the do gooders to require all citizens to have permits and register all these toxic substances?? It's disgracefull!!!


New member
I'm relieved that they didn't feel the need to add a "disclaimer" about the Evil guns just being sneaky and laying low for a few years.


New member
Where's the ground swell from the do gooders to require all citizens to have permits and register all these toxic substances??

And once they're registered it should be public information, so newspapers can publish lists of which person has which medication. The public has a right to know!


New member
Not accidental deaths

The deaths listed for guns are according to the CDC

" Injuries are from all manners, including unintentional, suicide, homicide, undetermined intent, legal intervention, and operations of war"

i do not have the accidental death rate handy but it is much lower.

EDIT to add: The accidental death rate by firearm for 2006 was 0.21 per 100,000 versus the 10.2/100,000 shown above. Homicides by firearm is 4.26/100,000

see for death stats
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New member
Ah, thanks Wally for correcting me!

Well, more correcting Consumer Reports for a very misleading headline on their article. It was yesterday when I looked at the CDC page so the memory is a little vague but I do not think it listed anything as accidents but just deaths from injuries.