Abu Nidal


New member
Associated Press is reporting that wanted terrorist Abu Nidal found dead of "several gunshots" in his Bagdad apartment and that "suicide" is suspected.

Suicide by whom? Seal Team 6? Delta? Bodyguard?

Anyway, a happy ending to a world class POS.

D.W. Drang

New member
Suicide by whom? Seal Team 6? Delta? Bodyguard?
Mossad was my first guess, although it could well have been Hamas, or that chick that was running around Afghanistan a year or so ago capping Taliban...

Yeah, I cried tears of joy when that :barf: was reported dead. Have to figure out what to drink to celebrate.


New member
Update. He had terminal cancer and was addicted to pain killers, so he took his own life. Sounds like Jerry f*ckin' Springer. I still want the fingerprints checked, preferably Fedexed overnight in formaldehyde.


New member
Abu Nidal was one of the most blood thirsty butchers in the middle east. He was four-square, dead set against any accommodation with Israel.

Strangely enough he dies one day before Israel and the Palestinan authority ink a deal for Israel to lead Gaza and let the PA take over security.

Schazaam! Ain't that a coincidence?

Why I can think of at least 2 organizations who wanted him dead.


New member
More likely the PLO than the Mossad. Abu Nidal left the PLO because it was too moderate. Then he tried to assasinate most of the PLO leadership (he got at least 2 of Arafat's lieutenants).



New member
Mr. Nidal

.........is now in Hell. There he will eternally be sodomized by demons spewing flaming sand into his entrails, his thirst quenched only by draughts of New York sewage while venomous centipedes gnaw his privates.

Nothing Man could do to him will even approach the punishment he receives from the Father of the innocents he slew.


New member
Any chance this could be a US op meant to show the Iraqis that their butts are ours, any time we want them? Note found on scene: "Saddam, this coulda been you. Retire to Uganda. Now."


New member
I knew a guy who shot himself 3 times before he died. It seems strange that you would be able to shoot yourself more than once but it does happen. I hope this guy was put down by Mossad.

Then again, his death has been reported before so how do we really know if the swine is dead?

Master Blaster

New member
He shot himself several times, with a full auto AK-47, not hard to see how it could happen, finger tightens on the trigger gun fires till magazine is empty.

:) :D

I'm sure there is a special spot in hell that he is currently occupying right next to Osama. Yes they are shoveling coal into the devils pig roaster together.



New member

I strongly doubt it. Way too much risk for no real reward. Abu Nidal apparently had been inactive for about 8 years and was rumored to be very ill (cancer, etc.). No real reward for killing him. Major risk if the operation went bad and US operators were killed and/or captured.

Abu Nidal made enemies throughout the Arab world. Lots of people wanted his head, not just us, not just the Israelies, and many of those folks would be have a much easier time slipping operatives into and out of Iraq.



New member
i tend to think saddam hussein had it done as an intimidation and threat to arafart and the rest of "the boys" that if they don't support hussein vs the u.s. and isreal this will happen to them also. if this was a suicide he must have had a full auto pistol. mcole


New member
Abu Nidal made enemies throughout the Arab world. Lots of people wanted his head, not just us, not just the Israelies, and many of those folks would be have a much easier time slipping operatives into and out of Iraq.

BTW, do we have an independent confirmation that he is actuall dead?



New member
Check www.cnn.com/2002/world/meast/08/20/jordan.otsc.
Says an Iraqi intelligence officer told the reporter that Nidal snuck into Iraq almost a decade ago on a false passport and, at one time, was fomenting dissent against the Iraqi regime, so he was put under house arrest.

Interesting to note the anti-Iraqi protest in Germany yesterday/today with seemingly non-violent protestors taking some Iraqi embassy workers (and an ambassador?) hostage for a short time. It has since been resolved, I believe. The protestors declared it the opening voilley in the war to take back their iraqi homeland from Saddam Hussein. Maybe he is feeling some heat, and wanted to short-circuit any internal plans Nidal may have been able to set in motion or tacitly support.
Suicide may be the term used to say "We're not investigating this any further." Well, RIP Abu, that is, roast in purgatory.