About to take the plunge - RIA Commander


New member
Ok guys, I've found a deal that seems to work for me, and I'm currently buttering up my husband. I'm looking at a Rock Island Commander (4") and from all I've read, they're a decent gun. I've done the searches here on the board, and all seems well. I guess I'm just looking for a little "my post" confirmation either way :p Will I regret purchasing it? Or will I get some good use out of it? It will go to the range, and if I can conceal it well enough and it performs like it should, I might make it a carry.

I love my husband's GI .45, and its great to shoot. I thought I'd try out a 4" as the weight might be a touch less, plus easier to conceal on me. I enjoyed shooting our previous .45, SA Ultra Compact V10, so I know I can shoot that short barrel (but 3.5" is as short as I'd like to go). I tried the Micro Compact and I didn't like it one bit, not to mention, I couldn't hit my foot if I was trying too.

I handled the SA Champion and wouldn't have any qualms about getting one. There is one here in the store for $479+tax. I realize the price difference of $150-200 might not be much to some, but I try to get the best bang for my buck. With the lower cost of the RIA and a decent rep, why wouldn't I go for a Rock Island? I know some will say "you get what you pay for" and that's a completely valid statement. But, will the gun be junk?


New member
2002gti, I think I read a post or two of yours about the gun, glad to hear from you :) It is moody about any kind of ammo? As far as function, good? Did it need break in time? If it shoots like the GI, I'll be a happy camper. I've never shot a Kimber before but since you can compare the two side by side, that gives me some good feedback.

Sir William, thanks for the vote as well.

Moderator, sorry about the wrong forum. I realized it was the wrong one as I was taking the dogs out :eek:


New member
i have around 3-400 rounds through it wothout any stoppages. id say accuracy can be around 2" at 40 yards. im running cmc power mags and it seems to like ir. i also bought a set of kings hardball sights from brownells for $25. its totally mil spec, ive swaped out the trigger, sear, and hammer with no fitment problems. i bought it from ak47man.com for $280. have fun its a great shooter.


New member

Did you ever get that RIA? I put one on lay-a-way and am hoping for some decent feedback. Barring that, any feedback at all. It does seem a great package for the price.




New member
Coffee357, no I didn't get the RIA. Some things came up so my pistol has been put on the back burner :(

I did ask my local gun shop guy what he thought of the RIAs and he said, "well, they're great if you just want a $300 gun. You don't get any extras like you do with a Springfield". He couldn't find anything negative to say about them though. "They're great if all you need it to do is go bang". I thought, "well duh" :p The SA I'd get would be a GI or MilSpec, so it's not like that has any more features than the RIA. Anyway, he tried to sell me a $700 Colt before I left though. So his priorities weren't exactly for my happiness :rolleyes:

Anyway, look forward to your new pistol :cool:

Dave Sample

Re-affirming that there is a God, Shorts, be greatful for the Divine Intervention. Save up for as good, used LW Colt Commander and have a competent pistolsmith do a reliablity tune up on it. The shorter the slide, the more difficult it is to make these guns run. After he or she tunes it, run 50 rounds through it to get used to the abuse, and then carry it for the rest of your life.
The weight difference between a Steel Commander and a full size one like you are used to is almost not a factor. They are both heavy.
There are good reasons why the gunfighters carry LW Commanders.
They are accurate, they cycle quicker, they are lighter and you are more prone to have it on your hip when you need it, and you will join the ranks of the Pros.
I know that this is just another opinion and that there are many more options available for you. Just try to add it to the Pot.