About to get into reloading???


New member
There are alot of brands to choose from. Dillon, Lee, RCBS ect...:confused:
What brand should I lean towards for my basic unit/press?
Please give some feedback on pros and cons of each brand. It would be much appreciated.


New member

Read the sticky at the beginning of this forum. I posted the link above for you.

Get the best equipment you can afford. If I had to give someone some advice I would say:

Start out with a single stage press and get a kit like an RCBS RockChucker Kit. Get at least 2 Reloading Manuals. The Lyman and Sierra would be my choice. Plus get a Loadbook for every Caliber you are going to load for.


New member
Although you ought to read the sticky and get some manuals, the better question is what are you planning on reloading? If your doing pistol ammo, then I would do a Turret press at the very least, they can be disabled so it acts as a single stage. I use Lee not had a problem with any of their stuff and some of the innovative things they have are very nice, but that is just me. I can crank out about a 100 round an hour at a good pace on a their turret.


New member
You can't go wrong with the RCBS RockChucker Kit.
As far as dies go I would get one that has a locking screw so you don't have to reset it evey time.


New member
I'm with Nate if loading pistol or much 223. I load on a Lee classic turret and it has been a great press for me. I load around 200 rounds per hour at a comfortable pace. I have been loading on mine for three years and it has been problem free. It's a very solid press and easy for a beginner to use.


New member
I am another fan of the Lee Classic Cast Turret! :cool: It is inexpensive, easy to use and has a lot of accessories. I have been using one for a year and it has been flawless. On a run, I can comfortably load 150 -175 rounds per hour, and I am one of those anal people who feels he must visually check every round after the powder drop.:D Maybe someday I'll get over that.:rolleyes:


New member
I think a lot depends on what you want to load and how much you are willing to spend.

IMO, a single stage press is a good way to start reloading.


New member

Before the collective forum can give you information on what you might need, we need to know your shooting habbits.

What cartridges are you shooting?
Which ones do want to reload?
How many of each do you shoot per week or per month or per year?

Once we have your needs, we can give informed advice. The one absolute about reloading is: Once you start reloading, you will shoot more!:)