About To Buy A Safe, Questions?


New member
I can get a Liberty Centurion 23 cubic foot safe locally for $650.00. I like this safe and think the price is about right. Can anyone give me any last minute advice prior to purchasing it? I plan to put it in my garage where I have limited space. I also cannot afford a larger safe. Is this a good buy?




New member
I'm assuming it will be delivered to your house. Do you have a way to move it around? You don't want to leave the box outside with the word SAFE on it while you're at work.


New member
Sales tax is 5%, so it would be $682.50. There is no delivery charge because I am picking it up myself. I have a truck and it only weighs about 500 pounds.


New member
Depending upon the climate at your location, keeping a gun safe in the garage may pose some problems. Beware of high humidity that may sometimes occur in the garage. Also, during periods of low temperature the safe and its contents will become chilled. When the temperature rises, moisture in the air will condense on the safe and your guns. The results could be disastrous.

Possible precautionary measures: a. Move the safe indoors. b. Use an electrical heater designed for use in gun safes. c. Use and maintain dessicant packs in the safe.


New member
Not sure what your needs are.....number of guns? These things are always "relevant".....if you are storing 50-$100,000 worth of guns you may want something with more fire & security protection than 12 gauge metal will provide.

As previously mentioned, humidity in the garage will be your biggest problem. A humidifier stick is a must....or keeping a low wattage light bulb on continuously will do the same thing.

Wouldn't take much for a couple of "Big Ol Boys" to toss it in the back of a pickup and be gone. Drill and anchor it to the floor.

Later when your collection expands (as they always do), you can get a bigger safe and use this one for overflow. :)


New member
Seems to be a real good deal. However, do take heed to what the others have mentioned as well! ;)
