About the pending attack on Iraq

Have you ever been in actual combat as a soldier?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 10 90.9%

  • Total voters


New member
Where you ever in combat? Not as an REMF but out on the sharp end of the stick?

I have no way of knowing if you are being truthful. I have to rely on your honesty to get an accurate reading on this poll.

I am trying to see if those amongst us who have "seen the elephant" and actually exchanged fire with an enemy as a combatant in a war or police action (Korea) support this upcoming event more or less than those of us who have not been there and done that.

(I wish that there was a way to make the poll "IF THEN" to get a second layer of querys depending on the answer.)


New member
I have a friend who did while doing a "peace keeping" thing in Yugoslavia while in the Marine Corps a few years back. It was just some low-life locals tryin to scrap with them. I think he said he's done that 3 times. It sucks cause they only give them 3 magazines when they go out like that. The longest scrap he's ever been in lasted 2 hours.