About IE 6 & This Site.


New member
I recently tried to get on to the firing line with IE 6 and it won't let me in . I have it book marked and also tried to type in the address. Says it can't find the address. Is anyone else having this kind of trouble and is there a solution?

Mal H

Don't think it's an IE 6.0 problem, sounds more like a DNS issue. Did you change ISP's recently? Change any network parameters?

Out of curiosity, how did you log on to post? Public computer, friends computer? If you can look at the DNS addresses for that computer and plug 'em in to yours, it might work. (Be sure to write down the current ones before making any changes.)

(I'm on IE 6.0 and no problems.)


New member
As Sam would say:

Tis not the system.

Tis the user.

Find and kill all the TFL cookies you can find. It's going to be something like Torpedo@???thefiringline???.txt in your cookies folder.

There's nothing wrong with IE6, IE6, IE6, IE6..... :D

Got a firewall, like ZoneAlarm? Maybe it's blocking web access....


New member
Man...Windows XP Pro, and IE 6... never had trouble here... did in an online game the other day...

Delete all temp. files, and cookies... it got me back into Earth 2025 in short order...


New member
I hear that if you an older version, there are patches to IE6 that need to be downloaded. I've got a newer version, and haven't had a minute's trouble. Didn't even need to delete cookies/Temp, etc.


New member
Got on to the site today without any problem. Can't figure why but hey as long as I can go where I wanna go Im not gonna ask any questions. Thanks for all of your replies.


New member
get a copy of ad-aware and run it on your machine (www.lavasoft.com I think). I've had problems due to spyware applications being installed by idiot web-site.. Make sure to scan your harddrive as well.


New member
Same problems quite often at work. Try Blackhawk's method, it works for me.

I'd tell you more but not sure what OS you have.


New member
About one in every twenty sites fails to load on this PC while a different set fails on my other. I am running IE 6 and Win98. I hate MS but it is easier for me to stay than to convert to Linux or buy a Mac


New member
About one in every twenty sites fails to load on this PC while a different set fails on my other. I am running IE 6 and Win98. I hate MS but it is easier for me to stay than to convert to Linux or buy a Mac
DOS was never intended to be a GUI OS. Windows 3.x was build on top of DOS, but it didn't have TCP/IP capabilities necessary for the Internet. Windows 95 was built on DOS, and had Internet connective capabilities but a TON of problems with them because of its DOS lineage. MS tried to fix Win95 with Win95 SE. It failed. MS tried again with Win98. It failed. MS tried again with Win ME. Another failure. No matter how much lipstick, makeup, and how many ribbons were applied to the OS pigs built on top of DOS, they were still pigs.

MS finally wised up and came out with Win XP which is NOT built on DOS.

The first partially decent GUI OS MS came out with was NT 4.0, but it couldn't run DOS games. Everybody (?) wanted to run DOS games. NT evolved to Windows 2000, which could run most games, and it's pretty much a bullet proof OS.

If you want a stable OS, get Windows 2000. It only took MS 15 years to get there, but it did. Of course, it now wants to replace it with Windows XP and .NET.

NO thanks, I'll stick with Windows 2000.