ABC World News Tonight on the AWB


New member
Anybody watch ABC World News Tonight slanted piece on the AWB? Showed the LA robbers shooting AK in fully making out like they were Semi-auto’s same scare tactics used in 94 to pass the ban. :mad:


New member
I just saw the NBC version. The only two guns supposedly banned by the AWB that they named were the Street Sweeper and the AR-15. For those who don't know, only the first is banned, and NOT by the AWB. :rolleyes:

At least they had Wayne LaPierre (sorry for the spelling) on explaining that the "banned" weapons are funtionally the same as the less offensive ones. The also had Dianne Fienstien for the other side.


New member
Just send World news tonight an email. I think the subject of Nightline is the AWB tonight should be very slanted


New member
Saw it and commented on it under another thread about ABC News coverage about the AWB expiring.


New member
saw the latter half here.. I must admit, I was rather shocked to see just how many actual, verifiable hard-facts lies the AWB proponent was spewing. Not "well it could be interpreted that way" not "simply opinion" -- no, actual lies.

Sad the NRA chick didn't call him on them.

Sadder still many folks will believe them.


New member
Agree with Kaylee. The Nightline story was truly an example of egregiously biased journalism. Anyone else catch how Ted Koppel would let the police chief guy go on at length, then only allow the NRA spokesperson a sentence or two before cutting her off?

On top of it, the NRA spokesperson did alright, but could have done better.

Let them scream all they like.

We still win.