AARP members; legitimate threats?


New member
A question came up in a now-closed thread: Is an unarmed 61 year old man a legitimate threat?

One poster mentioned that Chuck Norris is in his 60's.

That made me think of a dojo I trained at in Orlando.

The head instructor is around 70, and has myasthenia gravis (sp?). There are times when he can barely walk. There are other times when he can fling much younger people through the air and onto the ground with force that leaves them breathless for a while. I've been a recipient of one of his open palmed slaps (I left myself in a poorly guarded position while trying a wrist-lock on him, and he gave me the slap to let me know) that left my ear ringing for over a day.

A couple of the higher level belts (4th dan and 3rd dan) are in their mid-60's. One is the father of some of my high school classmates. It used to amuse him to work out with me; my wrists have finally healed. The other is a very young looking 64, looks more like 50. Either of these gentlemen would pose a very serious threat to your average adult male.

We had a couple other, lower black belts in their 60's. I wouldn't want to initiate conflict with them, either.

Note: At the time I was working out with these guys, I was actually in shape, late 30's, 6ft/205lbs, and benching around 315. I would have considered these men to be very serious threats.

Just something to think about.



Glenn E. Meyer

New member
You never know if someone is unarmed, IMHO. Out of the pocket comes a blade. I've posted several times of a young stud who got into an argument with an old coot over a fender bender. He advanced on the coot who stuck a paring knife in stud's chest - stud dropped dead. Magic hit!

Thus, avoidance is the way to go.


New member
Reminds me of the video that was on one of those shows on Spike (Most incredible etc...).

Old guy at the counter in a store, think he was scratching lottery tickets, had a wad of cash in back pocket. Youth behind spots and decides to pick grandpa's pocket, after all how dangerous can he be....

Unfortunately the old man had previously been a Marine, a boxing champ and worked as a steelworker the rest of the time.... it took him a meer few seconds to knock the snot out of the young guy :)

Found it Its a full report so has all the MSNBC fluff too.

He reacted because he didnt want to loose his wifes ATM cash :)


Staff In Memoriam
I was attacked by a huge fella on MLKJ Day. He was 63 and dealt out 2 round house blows to the side/back of my neck as I ducked my head before I finally lit him up... I guessed him at 52-55 y.o. Lucky for me, I called 911 to report it before him as first caller gets a little bonus. I could have faced "felony assault on an elderly person" for knocking his molar out of his jaw.
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New member
Too me, anyone no matter how old, can be considered a threat. In the previous thread there were a few posts referring to the 60yr-old as "the old man"... as if to imply the guy needed a cane or Rascal scooter.

I gotta say that in general your average 60yr-old can still hold his own and would usually have a strength advantage over most young mothers. Heck I'm 29 and a well built (or so I've been told :) ) 5' 11" / 185lbs. Not a huge guy but I can take care of myself. Regardless, I can think of at least 3 guys more than 2x my age that I would NOT want to mess with in a fist fight!

Bottom line ... AARP or not, a healthy 60yr-old man can most definitely pose a serious threat. As a side note, my 90yr old grandfather still has a grip like a small gorilla :)


New member
Any one can pose a threat at anytime, the old man walking down the street or the little kid on a bike, both could pull a knife or a gun, or the old man could just whoop the stuffing out of you, You just never know what a stranger is capable of.
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New member
I'm in my 60's & if it's ever on, I don't plan on it going long enough that the younger stronger guy will win.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
I'm in my 60's & if it's ever on, I don't plan on it going long enough that the younger stronger guy will win.

Ditto. The older you get, it's less like a game and more like survival. No time for wrestling matches and confrontations of sheer strength.


I have a friend about three years older than me. He has a saying, and I've heard him use it: "You probably can whup my butt, but it's gonna catch you by surprise when you have to." :eek:



New member
I've always heard, "Don't ever mess with an old man, if he's too tired to fight he'll just kill you".

Anyone can be a threat. Depends more on their intentions, and opportunity to carry them out, than their appearance.

Jim March

New member
The good news is that anybody with the self-discipline to get that good in the dojo by that age is NOT going to randomly commit crimes or attack people. Odds of that are so far against it's just not worth worrying about.

What you have to watch out for is the old ironworker or whatever.


New member
My dad is 66 and has swung a hammer almost every day of his life for the last 50 years. I could probably take him now, but I wouldn't want try. He can still drive a nail with one blow. He played basketball until he was about 55, before the soreness started affecting his work the next day. Don't mess with "old men".


New member
Age not a big factor IMO. I have a 50ish year old brother who is the nicest person I know but the best martial artist I know. He's 6 ft 155# and the things he can mentally do are amazing. As in mind over matter, like if it was on, in his mind you don’t matter.
As for the 61 year old this thread is based on, ya he was a threat and would be tread as such. I think it really depends on who he is "threatening". Like it has already been stated who known’s what they might me caring, SLY OLD GUYS


Another martial arts practitioner here....

Been thrown across the room by an 80-something year old man who underwent hip replacement surgery earlier that year, when I was 17 years old.

That man ended up dying of smoke inhalation while running into a burning building to save his life's work from a fire. (Smart or not, it was his decision and he paid the price alone...:()

All you old coots play nice. I've heard the old saw: "Old men know better than to fight fair... they'll just kill ya."


New member
The question addresses only the general context and includes those in their 60's who, at the time of the incident, won't be relevent to your situation involving a specific individual.

Since you don't know he's armed, you might consider that some ol' coots, the older they get, the more likely they'll be armed--which has been pointed out already.

As we get older, our physical SD capabilities lessen, and so does our ability to take a good fanny whipping.

Could he be a threat? Anybody want to take on George Foreman?:D


New member
I'm within spitting distance of 65m , . . . got one bad knee, . . . had my aortic valve on my heart replaced, . . . and I don't breathe as well as I would like to.

But I got a 1911, 55+ years of experience, and an attitude.

I don't consider myself dangerous or anything, . . . just ready and willing, . . . if necessary.

But in answer to the question the OP posed, . . . no, . . . AARP members are not much of a threat. Their official organization's position is pretty much anti-gun, anti-ccw, anti-shooting, . . . and anti just about anything else that has to do with the 2A.

May God bless,

James K

Member In Memoriam
I'm 76 and am not as strong as I once was, but my favorite .45 is ten years younger and hasn't lost any of its skills.



New member
Age. It really sucks, but is much better than the alternative.

But is an older man weak? I'm quite sure that mostly depends on where he started from. I used to run and lift a lot. Now only an inch away from 50, i still have enough stamina and strength to outwork my teenage sons and their friends all day long. (Just now i may not be able to walk quite right the next day...)

Jack Lalane was pretty darn tough at 80. Tougher than most men ever are. The martial artists mentioned are other great examples. However a valid point was made - the MA experts probably aren't going to be starting fights, but you never know.

So when a deranged, angry or just nutjob 60 year old threatens an attack, it should be taken seriously unless proven otherwise. Plenty of murders are carried out by septuagenarians.