A1 upper Identity crisis...


New member
A1 upper Identity...

Check out the shell deflector on this A1 upper,, does anybody know who made these?

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New member
Nope it's a 5.56......

Keep it comming guys.......

BTW this isn't a riddle or a joke, I'd really like to know what I'm buying.....

It does look like that Armalite in the link,, but the dude I'm dealing with say's he "thinks it is an Olympic upper...." All I have so far is this pic...

Arrgh.. help,, where's all the gurus I need to come out of the woodwork right now??


New member
The "PM" will be the manufacturer's forge code. Unfortunately, I can't seem to surf up the list of them right now.


New member
Thank's HankL..

Somebody must know which manufacturer marked their uppers with PM.................

I should just go ahead and join the AR forum... But I'm so freeking busy as it is,, and hey,,

what can I say,,

I'm loyal to TFL. I have some good friends here.