A Very Bad Experience With Iver Johnson TP22 (with pictures)


New member
Quite a few people have good stuff to say about these guns, some even say they're more reliable than that Walther TPH that these guns are a clone of. If this is true, then the Walther should crumble as you take it out of the box. Bought one of these not too long ago at a gun show. Upon initial examination, the gun seemed fine, no visible damage anywhere. I try shooting it some time thereafter. After about 30 rounds, the slide comes flying off, the trigger guard snaps, the frame is cracked, the slide is cracked. I'd expect better performance even from a Jennings, much less something that most people don't consider a junk gun.


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New member
I had one years ago when they first came out. Put over 350 rounds throught it without cleaning before it jammed. Great little gun for $99 at the time. I do recall the frame was that cheap zinc alloy stuff. Sold it to a friend and never had another one. So this is what happens to them after about 30 years, eh!!!!!!
That is rough. Out of curiosity did you check the barrel to see if it was clear of obstructions? Hard to imagine anything other than a squib followed by a live round to damage a gun like that.


New member
I bought one new when they came out. Shooting quickly wore a groove in the breach face. I returned it to them under warranty, and they replaced with a new pistol, which they had changed the design of. The first TP22 slide was completely made of zamak zinc alloy, hence the quick wear of the breach caused by the ammo rim. They changed to a steel insert in the slide which contained the breachface, the bottom area that runs over the magazine, and the area where the hammer impacts...You could tell them apart by a round dot of steel on top of the slide, which is part of the insert.
I put many, many rounds through that TP with no problems. Ended up trading it for a used Honda motorscooter. The scooter was great, but I still miss that TP22. Often thought of picking up another, but they are pricey on the used market.


New member

I didn't actually check to see if the barrel was obstructed, I kind of ruled that out as a cause though because the barrel is in completely undamaged condition.


I tried 2 kinds of ammo, both on that first shooting session with that gun. At first, some Aguila hp's, but they proved horribly unreliable, failing to feed after every 2 rounds or so. I didn't even go through the full 7rd mag before I gave up on that stuff. After that I tried some of the run of the mill American Eagle stuff, it proved more reliable, as a I got through a few full mags with fewer less problems. Then on the 4th mag (still using American Eagle), after firing 6 shots in rapid succession, the gun sends the slide flying and we get the results described and shown in the original post.

@comn-cents. Thanks for the concern. I am glad that not even the slightest injury resulted from the mishap, the only loss was the pistol.
I've one as well, that I (and my Father before me, it was his) have put well over 1,000 rounds through with nary a problem.

These guns were never designed to be fired with the ultra high velocity ammo like Xpiters (sp?). Stick with high velocity or standard velocity.

That said, the American Eagle should have been OK for use in this gun.


New member
Now I don't know what do with it. Do I take it apart and try to sell off the parts that are still intact (recoil spring, trigger, mangazine, etc)? Or should I just sell the whole thing as "good for parts only" type listing on gunbroker or something of that nature?

Or should I destroy it? And if I were to destroy it, what is the best possible way? In Oregon, when they do a background check upon the purchase of a gun, which I believe is through Oregon State Police, the seller gives the police the model, manufacturer, type, caliber, serial number of the gun, so I assume it's on record that I own it, is there some official means by which one needs to let them know that the gun is destroyed? Or is that unnecessary?

James K

Member In Memoriam
If you are concerned about the registration angle, call the state police and ask them what to do. You can always scrap everything else, then turn the frame into the police and get a receipt.

Yes, the IJ gun is a copy of the Walther, but that does not mean it is a good copy, or that Walther is responsible for it. I had one of them and my problem was not with the gun breaking but with my skin breaking where the slide cut grooves in my hand. Since I had no desire to contribute to an increase in Johnson & Johnson stock by spending a fortune on Band-Aids, I sold the gun to a guy who said it didn't bother him.



New member
I had no idea they were made of zamak. I wish there were a list of guns made of pot metal somewhere. I have a TPH, a very well made solid gun.


New member
Heh, Jim, I know Walther's not to blame, I was just being ironic. I would suspect the Walther is indeed better, from my experience with the IJ, it would be hard not to be better.

It cut me too, by the way.


New member
Bought one used over a decade ago and no problems and a real shooting gem. Metal stress? Or just a bad gun...


New member
I had one years ago, it was ok functionally, but the trigger made my finger get very muscular due to it's insanely heavy trigger pull. The insides were very rough, and there were a lot of filings inside of it. I polished up some of the rougher parts, cleaned and lubed it, and it was still very hard to pull the trigger.

I put a few hundred rounds through it, and sold it for about what I paid for it.


New member
Free TP22 Mag

I have a magazine left over from an old TP22 I used to own. It says EP552S 22LR on the back edge. I'll send it free to someone that owns one of these pistols--just want it to go to a good home ;) First person to PM me gets it.


New member
Mine is a bit worn, but it works...more or less. It is what it is.

In their defense, they're surprisingly accurate.


New member
Yay, my thread is back from the grave! Is it strange that I have, at times, considered getting another TP22?