A 'Thank you!' to the administration.

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New member
I know I don't post on these forums much, but when I am just browsing through the pages, its really nice not to have weed through all the threads that are totally NOT firearms related!

Thank you to the Admins of The Firing Line! My time browsing these forums has been refreshing compared to all the other firearm forums I've been to!



New member
Good thing we aren't wading through non firearms related threads. That would be annoying. Yep. Sure would.

None of that here, though. It is really refreshing that no words are wasted here, reflecting on off topic stuff. No sireee, we keep our forum clear of distracting garbage.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
JohnRaven, thank you for the sentiment.

Now to continue what you seem to like so much about TFL, we will close this as off topic.

Thanks again.

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