A Taurus, No Less. Can't believe I'm Initially Impressed

I was meandering around on another board and ran across a Taurus Mod. 63. Judging only from the pics and description, I have to say that's one, beautiful rifle. Is it as good of quality as it looks?


New member
I was meandering around on another board and ran across a Taurus Mod. 63. Judging only from the pics and description, I have to say that's one, beautiful rifle. Is it as good of quality as it looks?
All firearms seem to be at their cosmetic finest when photographically rendered on the interwebs. You've got to pick it up, hold it in your hands, and work its action before you can even begin to form a valid opinion.

I'm not saying that to demean the Taurus, as I know nothing about that rifle (or pretty much any other Taurus product, for that matter) - just saying that what you see on the web isn't always representative of what the genuine artifact is really about.


New member
I have never handled that particular model, but have had my hands on several other Taurus rifles. The fit and finish on the outside seemed to be on par with my early 80's Rossi pump (62 Winchester clone) not the worst I have ever seen, but could be much better. The inside of the recievers and small parts seemed to be a very crude finish. Lots of machine marks, a few burrs, and more slop than I would have expected in the fitting of the parts. Working the actions, I swear I could feel metal shaving off.........just didn't give me warm fuzzies.

I'm sure not all of them are like the few I handled (well, maybe not sure, but I hope they aren't), but after the ones I has my hands on, I have no desire to purchase one.
Can't say as I've ever handled one... so I did a G.B. search... found this really nice looking stainless gun with a tang sight for what seemed like a reasonable price... I was really impressed...

... that is until I got to the pics of a close up of the reciever flats ( & maybe that is oil / grease / or dirt ) but it looks like the reciever flats are not polished smooth...

you be the judge ??? if the reciever flats are rough... I'm betting alot of the internal parts are worse...



New member
I messed around with one at a local dealer a year or so ago. Not a bad little rifle. Everything felt good and the stainless had such a high polish on it, it looked chrome.