A Tale Of Two S&W Model 66-0's!


New member
I found the two S&W Model 66-0's in the pictures below, just about three weeks apart from each other. The Model 66-0 with the target grips is the most recent one that I had just found last week!:eek: :






New member
You have two! Send me one, and good karma will follow all your days! remember, what comes around, goes around!

Seriously, very nice! Those would put a smile on my face for quite awhile!

Have fun with them,



New member
Thanks, warwagon! I appreciate your comments! BTW, which M66 do you like the best? The one with the Target grips or the one with the Magna grips? I mean, both guns are virtually equal-EXCEPT for the style of S&W grips on them-so, which grips look the best on these two M66's? Thanks!


New member

Do those babes ahve the all stainless adjustable sight on them or is it just the pics??

I'm pleased as pie with with 45 colt 625 Mtn. Gun I just got --- Pre-lock, pre-MIM, Pre-frame mount FP, vintage 1996 (lord can you beleive that was 10 years past now?) and appears unfired though was not warranted as such.

It replaces a slightly diffirent N frame of that vintage that I sold off. (stupidly I might add as it was on I always said I'd never sell)

Anyway It's a great gun and sorry to say that I can see about a 15-20% differance in the fit and finsish between this and a modern non PC smith.


New member

For me, I like the target stocks for the 4", and 6" models.

For the 2.5" I prefer the magna, just the way I carried(oh to have that sweet 2.5 back:eek: )



Boa, you always manage to find some nice guns, these are no exception. I like the target grips better, but that's just my taste. Enjoy them both!


New member

1)Thankyou very much for your nice compliment!

2)Yes, like you, I like the target grips better than the Magna's on my other Model 66! I suspect that the original owner of this M66, had removed the factory original target grips and had replaced them with the Magna's? In any event, I'll plan to find some mint, S&W wood target grips to restore this M66 back to it's factory original condition!