A tale of two cities (Chicago vs. Houston)


New member
So last week in Chicagoland (where the serfs are disarmed), we have a goblin shooting up and killing 5 of his unarmed victims at a mall.

Here at a local mall last night, another goblin tried to rob an armed citizen and got his just reward.

In the latest shooting, a man was parking his truck and about to exit his vehicle at Gulfgate Center when a gunman approached and tried to rob him about 10 p.m., said Sgt. Robert Odom, an HPD homicide detective.

The intended victim grabbed his own gun, shooting and killing the suspect.

"It appears at this time this time the (robbery) victim was acting in self defense," said HPD spokesman John Cannon.

The shooter had a concealed weapon permit, Odom said. The case will be referred to the Harris County District Attorney's Office for review.



New member
What in the heck is the second story doing being paired with the first? It seems like they are trying to equate the two. :mad:


New member
I took it as a contrast instead of a comparison. Unfortunately I was on call for the Tinley Park incident.


New member
Bob, I think Yellowfin's talking about the second half of the linked story. The Chronicle (notoriously Left) also mentions an unrelated overnight gang shooting in the same article.

Evidently they have a hard time identifying the good guys from the bad guys.

Sorry you had to deal with the aftermath of the Chicago shooting. One armed citizen could have saved you the heartache.


New member

I didn't open the link until you posted that reply - but now I see what you're saying - and they have all kinds of details on the gang on gang shooting and only the quick facts on the self defense shooting.

Rifleman 173

New member
A shooting/murder of 5 women in King Richard Daley's realm??? Impossible!! Things like that just don't happen in the anti-gun Chitcago area. You must be wrong. But wait a minute... Don't gun free areas and anti-gun areas actually become target rich hunting areas for bad guys??? So, are you saying that King Richard II is wrong??? Again??? Darn! Just when I thought that he'd be nominated for Democratic Deity of the Year and setback Hitlery Clinton for the err... err... "award."