A suggestion: join the NRA

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New member
I don't know if this post will be allowed to remain since it is kinda political but:

With the recent election we now have three of the most anti gun elected officials in the top three spots in American government. If you like owning guns and the freedom to use them for sport and/or for personal protection, I strongly urge you to join the NRA. No it is not a perfect organization but it is the strongest and best we have to try to keep our 2nd amendment freedom.


New member
Never liked the NRA. I always thought they were to radical on some issues. But I do agree everyone that is not a member should join in the wake of the election. I for one will now join, maybe if the powers that be see a surge in membership they will take notice.


New member
I joined about 45 minutes ago because of a thread similar to this one in general discussion. I agree, we need to join no matter what! It's as easy as pie to join from their site. Like 2 minutes.


New member
I am already an NRA member. But my question is, how much does being a member really protect the 2nd Amendment? Is it better to take that money and give it to NRA-ILA? I understand that you get the mailings and notifications from being a member and must individually stand up against the gun banners. But does simply being a member accomplish anything?


New member
As I have said before:

1. Join the NRA, give extra to the NRA.
2. Convince others to join the NRA.
3. Introduce someone you know to shooting. Preferably someone who is somewhat hostile to guns. You would be surprised, of the anti's I have invited (3 over the last 2 years) 2 have said, "yes." They had a good time and softened their tone immediately. One even ended up buying a gun.
4. This may be the most important one of all: Introduce women to shooting! Women tend to talk a lot (not a jab, just an observation) and a women ally is worth 3 men in this fight, especially when self-defense is part of the equation. To a certain extent, an unarmed man can handle himself against an unarmed criminal man. The odds aren't as good for an unarmed woman.

All IMO of course.

Mal H

It's a good suggestion, but in the wrong forum. Since there are several in the correct forum suggesting the same thing, I'll close this one.
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