A Strange Place to find a Casing

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Yesterday, I went to shoot an IDPA match and met some of my buddies - some here on TFL. It was a great match. I didn't shoot that well - was kind of beat from a long drive the day before and got in late. Whine, whine. For some reason, all the steel put up a forcefield to deflect my rounds.:eek:

The strange thing is that before the match, I check the old junky car. Lifted the hood and poked around. Then I saw something in the well that held the base of the windshield wiper. What's dat? So I look and it looks like a casing. So I get my Leatherman and use the pliers to get out a Blazer 9mm casing. The rotating wipe base had smoothed the aluminum into a nice curve and it was just settled there.

For the life of my, I can't figure out now it made it there. We usually park further than the ejection distance of most guns.

Glad it was aluminum - sorry Delta Dave, you brass hound. I have previously put rounds or casings in the washer/dryer - which the wife find less than amusing.


New member
While edging the house, I found one in the grass, under the dryer vent. Somehow it made it around the lint screen and through the dryer.


New member
Not a casing, but....several years ago, when I was a LEO, my partner and I made a traffic stop in a residential area. I was the "guarding" officer, standing on the sidewalk as my partner approached the violators vehicle.

While standing there, I heard a dull "thud" noise directly in front of me. The sidewalk was completely clear of rocks and any other debris, but after that "thud", I found out what had made the noise. It was a lead bullet!

Just prior to the "thud", there hadn't been any gunfire heard! It wasn't New Years eve or the 4th of July! I picked up the bullet, noticing that it was slightly deformed, but still showing the lube cuts AND striation marks from the grooves of a barrel. I guess that it could have been launched by a slingshot, but....we were in a gang area, and I seriously doubt if the gangbangers were "into" slingshots!

"What goes UP must come DOWN!". Fortunately, that slug didn't hit me on the head! I could have gotten "dain bramage"!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I once moved into a new apartment complex. I went swimming in the pool and saw something shining on the bottom at the deep end. So I dived down and picked up a 38 SPL wadcutter round. Not just a bullet, it was a loaded round.


New member
I was snorkeling in a clearwater spring a couple years ago and found a .45 slug a few feet deep. It had been there a while as it was green from corrosion. It was not deformed so I figured it was shot in the air and came down in the spring. It was at the Itchetuknee springs state park in Florida.


New member
A couple of months ago I threw a case of empty 12 gauge shells in my cousins car. He wasn't too impressed when he didn't notice them before he went across the border.

Big Don

New member
I climbed onto my roof (for some reason) and noticed an odd hole in the comp roofing. Seems a .45 had buried itself just deep enough to punch a hole through the first layers. This was in Anaheim, CA and could have been from a holiday "celebration" or a gang shoot out. It was ball ammo and was just barely deformed.
Some friends of my son failed to remove several cases from the back of their pick up truck and were suspended from high school for bringing "ammunition" onto the school grounds. "Zero tolerance" gone berserk! :barf:


New member
Years ago, as a young man, I discovered a .45 cal LRN on a construction site that I was working on. The bullet had penetrated through the shingles and roof sheathing in addition to penetrating first layer of flooring, finally embedding in the sub-flooring. It wasn't there the day before. :eek:

chris in va

New member
Yesterday I found a .22 case at a Sheetz gas pump.

Good thing I found it. Some ninny would've picked it up and done something drastic.


New member
When i bought the truck i curently have a couldnt figure out a particular rattle i was gettin... turns out it was a couple spent .22 casings in the heater vent.

I later found out how they coud have gotten there i got out of the truck, shut the door and started shooting gophers and a whole magazine full of empties flew in through the open window.


When i bought the truck i curently have a couldnt figure out a particular rattle i was gettin... turns out it was a couple spent .22 casings in the heater vent.

Many moons ago I had a '71 Duster that had a few .22 casings rattling around in the heater vent...first and last time I fired by the open window.


New member
I carried a few spent cases in my windshield wiper well for about 5,000 miles and 4 months last winter.


New member
I've actually gotten in trouble from my parents (mostly dad) for them finding spent shotgun hulls in our backyard. They're really not from me either. My friends think it's funny to plant them there so I get in trouble. My dad don't care about me shooting quiet things like airguns or .22 colibirs, but a loud 12 gauge? I wouldn't be able to sit all day. :eek: