A stoopid(maybe?) Savage question


New member
Was curious if there is any way to convert a model 111 to accept stripper clips. (sorry if this is too stupid) Specifically for a .270 cal. I know a metal worker who could create the clips, and have read elsewhere that some rifles can be converted to accept stripper clips. (Hmmmm, maybe this belongs in the smithy.) Just was talking to someone the other day about a SHTF senario and was thinking that since I am pretty accurate with my .270 out to 300, (maybe further, haven't tried yet) that a stripper clip would make my .270 worth toting around with the others. Also, it would save a little time at the range.

Just curious, and TIA,

Sic Semper Tyrannis


New member
Well, anything is possible. But it will cost you $$$. If you've got it, then somebody out there can get it done, or at least give it a try.

SHTF scenarios, while good to plan for, don't happen too often. SA with detachable magazines is the best bet for this type of situation, IMHO.

As far as range time, I always try to take my time. If it is an old battle rifle, then blaze away. If it is a tack-driver, I try to let the barrel cool somewhat between shots.

To each their own, though.


Steve Smith

New member
Yes you can have it clip slotted. In fact, I seeem to recall a clip slot unit that bolts to the top of the receiver instead of having to get the receiver milled. I think you can go either way. Doesn't the .270 have the same case head as a .30-06 and .308? If so, you can get surplus .308 M1A clips for $0.50 each.

Let me know if you want me to do a little research for you on the clip guide.

Nothing wrong with clips. With practice, they're faster than mag changes.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Nannuk, it seems to me that part of the tactics of SHTF is to not let yourself get into a position where rapid reloads are a necessity. It's part of that "Your mind is your best weapon" stuff. "Think, plan, scheme and be evil" might keep you from having to shoot more than once or twice, if at all...

:), Art


New member
Er... If you've got a scope mounted in the normal place, stripper clips will be VERY difficult to use...

Personally, I'm a fan of aiming well for the first (and only) shot.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Steve, I cain't he'p it. I'm just an ol' cheapskate. My brain's already paid for, so I figure if I train it to get good at avoiding the need for an M60, and to get good/quick at topping off, I don't have to spend money.

It's just another of my character defects...

:D, Art