A short video about my rifle

Pond James Pond

New member
Looks like you had fun. I always like things with a personal touch, even if I don't necessarily like the end result: not so in this case, though.
The mag holder is a nice touch: always handy as a time-saver if nothing else, and the stock as a whole looks very nicely done. A neat, well-thought out package. Well done you!! :)

So, does the new stock improve your aim, comfort, both? Or purely cosmetic? Why the switch?


New member
I wanted to prove a concept. :) It is VERY comfortable to shoot - I put about 300 rounds through it yesterday of various reloads and factory ammo. Heck, I couldn't STOP shooting it!
I had to adjust the Marbles rear sight to compensate for the stock change affecting my normal use ammo - oddly enough, the lead reloads worked perfectly to POA...and those 129 NOEs are gonna do some jackrabbit busting in a few days as i further prove the concept by taking it hunting this weekend. :D


New member
very nice,the action and sighting seem quick and solid while shooting, i defiantly see the use in such improvements.

any tips on making a video? i need to make one for my finished project.


New member
I use Windows Movie Maker, a free program. I can only say that multiple camera angles helps, and MANY takes. Then edit, edit, edit. Go with what would hold YOUR interest if you were watching.