A Retired Marines' View Of Things


Member In Memoriam
From a ColoradoRKBA e-mail ....

"Written by a retired Marine fighter pilot.

Cowards?... nope. 'Jacking a jet and driving it into a high-rise at 300 knots.... No, not cowards. I wouldn't do it. They don't have an air force so they used our training and our planes, and with great execution... far better that our fiasco in the desert to save the hostages in Iran.

Although glued to the TV for the last 48 I haven't heard any talking heads speak with anger and outrage. They act like it's "Columbine" and we have to cope with this "tragedy" with counseling before resuming our lives..... My guess is you don't hear that talk from blonde air heads in Israeli TV... 'course they have Uzis in their briefcases.... They're a nation with some

This is the picture of America after more than a decade of "sensitivity classes", of "hate speeches". Of training males and females together in the Army, Air Force and Navy (and thank God NOT in the Marine Corps). Of Shannon Faulkner. Of A Navy sub captain crying his eyes out on national TV after his boat took out a fishing vessel. Of the last US President having to be taught by aides how to salute because as a draft dodger, he never learned. Of our TV and motion pictures "heroes" vowing to leave the country because an election didn't go their way ... then not leaving.

Of having no draft, of modified escape and evasion training at the Air Force Academy because one female threatened a lawsuit (after accepting a $750,000 education courtesy of the US taxpayer) because she felt "sexually harassed," as a female.

Of Army Blackhawk pilot who refused to fly because it was her kid's "constitutional right" to breast feed... AND her Army Blackhawk pilot husband helping bring the lawsuit against the Army. Of the meandering definition of what "is" is by the leader of this country. Of career military officers getting masters degrees and PhDs at taxpayers expense--yet having no clue on how to "fix bayonets" -- let alone lead a charge.

Of Hillary Clinton being set up as a role model. Of the Air Force not
allowing the painting of pin-up nose art on the aircraft of men who might just be required to fly said craft to their deaths -- all because some lesbian from the National Organization of Gals (NAG) threatened a branch of the United States Military. Of a 15 year-old needing parental permission for a tattoo -- but not for an abortion. Of our tax money being used to pay an "artist" to immerse a crucifix in a jar of urine and another one pissing in his buddies mouth on camera.

Of American citizens complaining about the noise military jets make when flying over their house...and going to court to get the target runs changed... and succeeding. Of a citizenry that cannot distinguish between an admiral and a chief petty officer, or between a pilot and a bus driver.

We don't have John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart...we have Jason Priestly and Yanni.

We don't have Ernie Pyle and Walter Cronkite...we have Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw -- in short... we have been feminized... not in the Maggie Thatcher, Golda Meir kick-your-ass way... but in the whining, ACLU whining get in touch-with-your-feelings, men-are-enemies kinda way ...and therefore, we cannot, repeat: must not, deploy troops on a large scale to some place like Afghanistan,

Our military (except for a few elite units) does not have the fire in the belly it requires. Our enemies have not taken any sensitivity classes. And thanks to Bill Clinton and his ilk we have an eviscerated combat force and given away most of that forces combat weaponry secrets. That same force is top-heavy with fat ass, butt-boy flag officers, and short on NCOs willing, capable and prepared to skewer Achmed with a bayonet. We will now pay the piper for electing Bill Clinton, not once, but twice. It will be clear when we mount whatever military response we eventually choose.

Smart bombs and Cruise missiles (if we have any left) fired from offshore will only make us look more impotent and less committed. And yet, I know, Clinton will still have his defenders despite the fact that because of him we cannot defend ourselves in the manner required of the world's only superpower. And NOW the same people that voted for this moral and physical coward, will want our servicemen and women to go in harm's way... and to do so will have them pay the ultimate price because one arm has been literally tied behind their backs.

It's been over three decades since I fired a shot in anger in a war we weren't firmly committed to, and yet we were in a far better mind set to do what had to be done then, than the poor kids we're going to send into battle now.

Thank God curbside check-in has been abolished; I'll sleep better tonight.

Keep five yards, Semper Fi,

"Monk" "


I am glad someone else shares my views on how this country has been neutered. Political Correctness, has put us in the crapper.

Bob Locke

New member
Ten hut!

Hand salute!


This fine example of an officer and a gentleman pretty well summed up why I got out of the Navy after 12 years, 9 months of service.

Ed Brunner

New member
Thanks a lot. That nailed it
Regarding the NOW agenda. While they failed to masculinize women they now have had some success at feminizing men.
I have my doubts that this country will ever return to the way I would like to see it.

I am going to pass it along.


New member
September 11 was a hard slap upside the haid of the USofA. We had the luxury of wasting time and treasury on irrelevant stuff. Hero senators offer blatantly unconstitutional laws and we spend out time discussing what happened to the SS lockbox. Our intelligence capability deteriorates at a frighteneing rate and our military issues time out cards to keep recruits from getting stressed. We have the spectacle of the president of the USofA discussing troop movements and placing armed forces in harm's way, while getting a blow job.

Its a shame 6000+ Americans had to die in a horrible manner, but maybe, just maybe we will find out what is really important. Again, I see our leaders (elected) responding in a questionable manner. Political debate is dead. The singularity of mindset while refreshing is frightening. I expect our elected officials to debate weighty issues such as holding foreigners indefinately or simplified wiretap capability or violating grand jury secrecy laws. All that kind of debate is legit. But I'm not hearing that or any other debate.

The first and foremost duty of the federal government is to provide for the common defense. Without that, all else is waste. Perhaps now our collected intelligence realizes how foolish we as a country has been. Perhaps now we will recognize the importance of moral strength. Perhaps now we will demand integrity from our elected leaders instead of the post-processed chicken feed they have been shoveling.

I can hope, but then again I've been accused of being unrealistic.