A request


New member
As most of you know, I use cases of armed self-defense in my writing and research. In addition, I forward these cases on to several pro-gun advocates in the media, the arts, and the political arena. I have also shared portions of my database with several of the major television networks.

One of the ways I obtain cases is to search through the local sections of newspapers. I look through about 30 online papers each day to glean these stories and usually come up with 4-5 cases per week. (It takes me only about 15 minutes to go through the local news sections that I have bookmarked.)

Here is my request: would some TFLers be willing to help me out on this? Would you bookmark the local sections of several newspapers in your area, and check them each day for stories of self-defense? When you find such stories, either post them on TFL (which I read every day) or send them directly to me.

It is my goal to get at least one person checking newspapers in each state.

The importance of successful armed self-defense in the gun debate is such that anti-gunners won't even discuss it. They know it's the ONE gun issue where the public is overwhelmingly against them. Pro-gun editors of newspapers, non-fiction freelance writers, and even pro-gun people in television are beginning to realize this and are beginning to search for cases to run in order to counter the usual anti-gun stuff we get in the media. It is essential that we continue to find these cases and get them out to sympathetic media people.
If anyone is interested in taking on this project, please let me know. My email addresses are:







Do you get the NRA magazine?? They have a section called "The armed citizen" That has about 15-20 stories weekly. Just short litttle paragraphs.


I'll check the register-guard here in Eugene. Most of the stories are anti though. the r-g was a sponsor of measure 5 (on the anti side). We just had a string of robberies here and the police chief stated that, "the best thing for the clerk to do is cooperate with the robber". Even if they had a person that carried (legally) and shot the robber they would have spun it in a bad light. Eugene is VERY liberal in it's way of thinking. I will have to get the Springfield paper (only comes out in print and on wed/sat) and if anything good is in there I'll send it via snail mail if you wish.

My Mom also watches the news and I half heartly listen but if something catches my ear then I'll research it and if it's stuff that in on topic then I'll email my research.


*BTW; what does (sic) mean when used in a sentence?
I regularly prowl the net for stories reporting Defensive Gun Use myself. I find that a recent anecdotal story helps make a powerful example when arguing with antis and those who have grown complacent about their gun rights.

There is a online database of Defensive Gun Uses available for everyone to examine at the following sites:


If I find any new stories, I will usually post them at packing.org, Yahoo Gun Control Board and here.

However, I find a more of my stories from the efforts of others who post a local account than I do from my own research.


New member
From BadMedicine:

Do you get the NRA magazine?? They have a section called "The armed citizen" That has about 15-20 stories weekly. Just short litttle paragraphs

bestdefense357, AKA Robert Waters, has his own column in the "American Guardian" NRA magazine. It is called "Because I Was Armed", and can be found on the last page of the issue. His column usually features one incident vs. several smaller accounts. He may or may not be involved with "The Armed Citizen" as well, but I can't tell from the small print.

PS/Buy Robert's book - it helped my wife become more understanding about firearms ownership. Maybe you know someone who could benefit from it, too.


New member
Western NY

Well, just checked out the Buffalo News online and you know what? We don't have anything but victims here in Western NY. Robberies, Burglaries, muggings, stabbings, etc. Hard to defend oneself when you need four "references" 100 dollars, FBI and local background check and a 6 to 12 month wait just to get a permit to BUY a pistol. Oh, and no guarantee that you'll get a "personal defense" permit either. It'll most likely be restricted to "hunting and Target shooting" meaning carry is a no-no. Do I sound bitter at PRNYS? :)

See below for a taste of NYS gun control.



New member
I'll watch out down under in NZ, but DGU cases are rare and it's generally better not to report them to anyone for fear of charges [NZ Police normally consider firearms excessive force for self defence situations].

I can think of only one "officially reported" case in NZ in the last 4 years, but they happen more regularly then that.


New member
You've got my help from New England.

I typically read these daily:
-Boston Globe
-Boston Herald
-Worcester T&G
-Cape Cod Times

but i can start to look into other New England news
sources too.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus

Thanks for putting your book together...
I have given several out to non shooting persons with the result of a 100% convertion rate.


New member
Georgia Urinal Constipation

has some stories stuck way down in the middle if the paper ocassionally and in the crime section sometimes theres one or two..... I'll watch the AJC for you, Robert


Moderator Emeritus

I will gladly monitor the following Buckeye newspaper websites for defensive gun usage stories:

Akron Beacon Journal
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Columbus Dispatch
Toledo Blade

Will report findings to you via email. If they're really good, I'll also post 'em here on TFL. :)

Thank you, Robert, for doing what you do. Your work makes a difference; and I am honored and pleased to help you in some small way.



New member
Noo Yawk

I'll keep a watch in the local fishwraps here in Metro NY. but the major papers are on line, you will probably get them as quick as I do.

Sad thing is, there are incidents every day but they never get reported unless the PD shoots someone.

Geoff Ross


New member
Thanks to everyone who has expressed a willingness to help. We can dig out more of these cases if we work together. With 8,000+ members on this board, we will make a difference. Several members, such as The Bluesman, already send articles, and I always appreciate them.

There are literally thousands of newspapers in this country. Most, whether they're anti-gun or not, do report such cases when they get them. The problem is that with so many papers no one can read them all. But if each of us reads only two or three each day, we'll find even more cases.

Thanks to George and others for the nice comments about my book. I'm hoping to wrap up my second book within the next few weeks--unfortunately, publication will take months once it is complete.



New member
Reno Gazette Journal shall be vigilantly and thouroughly scoured for any mention of innocent gun owners using goblin repellent, and any such mention shall therewith be forwarded unto you, sir.


New member
I keep looking...

I will continue to scour all of the Bay Area daily manifestos here in Kali, but doubt I will ever find a favorable spin on an honest citezen defending him/herself.