A renewed sense of faith??

My sob story in a nutshell goes like this:

I buy an item here from a fellow member. Received said product. Product wasn't as described. Tried to contact member. Never heard from again. Other fellow members stated similar story from said seller. My trust and faith in fellow gunowners tainted. My pride and ego bruised. I feel like a jerk.....Then, the silver lining decides to stand out...

A fellow member reads my thread and not only pays respects, but offers to send a good used comparable product to me to see if it will suit my needs. The kicker is that he only wanted shipping reimbursed, not even the price of the product to be factored in. I receive the item and I think with combining the two I can make things work (maybe).

Kikilee was the gentleman that "Paid it forward". He didn't have to do this. Not many people in this world would just send something to a complete stranger and wait to be paid for only shipping of it.

I wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation to Kikilee. It helped renew my faith that there are really good people out there that honestly look out for one another and help those that are down.

So, my thread's intention is this: Do you have any events that transpired to make you proud to be associated with a fellow gunowner/supporter of the Constitution/or anything related to the firearms community? If so, post it here. Allow it to be heard here that we're a special "breed" of people. People that stick up for one another for the greater good. I believe that fellow guys/gals that have this commonality between one another is unique. Whether it's your best friend from grade school or a complete stranger on the web, I believe we share a unique bond.

Tell your story. Those that are on the outside looking for reasons fellow gunowners are a unique group will find here one of many reasons why they should join.


Well, sorry about your ordeal, but glad someone helped out.
recently i bought a tactical nife as a gift. the recipients fiance wouldnt let him keep it so i offered it for sale here.
unfortunately, i paid list price and they could be had for less.
Tourist offered a 75 dollar custom edge on the knife for FREE if someone bought it from me!
alot of good people on this forum, unfortunately we dont hear enough about them, the few bad apples get all the "press time"
Im proud to be a member here.


New member
Nothing specific.

No specific events really, just a pretty standard set of good experiences.
Anytime I've had a need, there's always been another "gun guy" around willing to offer advice, loan gear, give ammo, or teach. When times have gotten really tough, like they are for me right now, there's always been someone willing to buy a gun they don't really need from me, just to help me out. Funny how it's usually offered back to me later at the same price, too;)

Just lots of folks out there with great hearts and a feeling of community. I think a lot of that has to do with today's political climate, especially involving guns. Slowly but surely gun enthusiasts are starting to come together in a tighter community, which is a great thing.

It's amazing the freinds you can make with a cup of coffee anda box of .45LC:D

chris in va

New member
I wouldn't go so far as to say people on here are any different than 'others' in the world, but so far everyone has been great when wheeling n dealing. Often times I'll send out the item the same time they send a check.

Hey, maybe there is something to that. Hmm.
I wouldn't go so far as to say people on here are any different than 'others' in the world, but so far everyone has been great when wheeling n dealing.

I would, but that's my opinion. But, I'm talking on a grander scale, also...not just here on TFL.....


I would, but that's my opinion

i do alot of online buying and have noticed that even ebay is getting risky.
dont always get what you thought you bought,
bothers me cause i think a man's (or woman's) word is their bond. out where i am thousand dollar deals are made with just a handshake.
I feel comfortable selling, buying and trading on this forum. never been burned and never had any complaints back.
good people here!