A rather obvious question......


New member
I am not being stoopid here (for a change :D) my question is serious. Is there any SIGNS of the ammo shortage ending? I am not dumb enough to ask "when will ammo become readily available....date, time etc) But, is the ammo shortage still getting worse? has it bottomed out yet? Is it showing signs of improvement? Does it look like maybe 6 months (or 12, or 18 months) the ammo factories will be on top of things? I guess the ammo factories are at "full speed ahead", are they indicating they might be close to catching up, or are they completely "snowed under" still?

We here in Oz, are feeling the full brunt of the US shortage of ammo. My local gun shops are out of stock on just about everything. I reload and have all my 44-40 and .44 mag under control, I have enough stuff to reload 9x19 for my glock, but .22 is critically short now. My local gun shop has had calls from SWEDEN & GERMANY from folk looking for .223! :eek: We cant get small pistol primers, or specific large primers, we can get large primers, but you cant go to the shop and ask for and get say Large Pistol Magnum primers, you might be only able to get large rifle primers.... thats it... take it or leave it. :eek:

We dont know what is going on over there in the US, only what we are told, that everything is OS or on BO, But I am simply asking if things are looking like plateau'ing out, or have we got a long way to fall yet, before things get better?

Interested in your replies.... got my fingers crossed for sooner rather than later..... Pleeeeeeeeaaaaase :D



New member
Not looking good.....

A few lookers, but no one is game to answer, or, I guess the answers would be all bad news :eek:

Bummer, I was hoping for a little better news, Maybe a light at the end of the tunnel..... but it seems it must be a train coming :eek:




New member
To be honest, I kinda hope it stays like this a while longer. The more ammo and guns gets sold, the more money gets funneled into the pro-gun lobby in D.C by the manufacturers. Id much rather spend some of my ammo money on a lifetime NRA membership than on an ammo/firearm tax because there wasnt enough opposition to it in congress.

I thinks theres definately signs of the situation improving (especially now that the manufacturers have been reassured the military is going to keep on with the 9mm and they dont have to retool/rearrange operations), but I doubt it'll go away entirely until we accomplish some kind of regime change.

The 2 things driving this ammo blitz is the economy and Obama.


New member
I have been asked many times recently about the shortages. I was told yesterday that our Sheriff was telling people that asked him that they had better stock up now for hunting season:rolleyes:, Maybe its correct, but the lemmings are on the move;) The same panic just before the year 2000, all generators were sold out, now the shoppers are full of them 4-sale:cool:

chris in va

New member
I guess the ammo factories are at "full speed ahead"

Not really. I understand Federal just laid off a few extra people as their demand simmered down.

Why glut the market when people are paying through the nose for average ammo at normal production capacity?


New member
Rainchecks, backorder, visiting 10-12 stores big AND small. You will find more than you think, I've seen plenty in the last few days in two states and was not buying (including Wally World) and no I'm not collecting a four year supply.:rolleyes:


New member
What I'm seeing in Tucson is that ammo is available but often not at a good price. What's hard to come by is the bulk priced plinking ammo that we all love to shoot in our 9mm, 5.56/.223 and 7.62x39 firearms. Winchester white box and UMC yellow box is downright hard to find and even the crappy Soviet stuff (OK...Russian) is scarce. Expensive hollow point and other top of the line ammo, however is definitely available in most calibers although you might have to drive around a bit which is annoying. For some reason .40 S&W isn't hard to find here! No idea why that is...

And at my local indoor range they've got pretty much everything available (at reasonable prices no less) BUT - only for in-house, on the range use. They've had to impose a "nothing out the door" sales ban in order to keep the hoarders at bay.

Reloading supplies still look to be pretty short but I'm amazed at statements regarding .22 shortages because it's available everywhere here.

So in a nutshell it looks to be about as it's been for a month or so now but not getting any worse which bodes well. If I start seeing Winchester white box on the shelves at Wally World I'll know that we're past the peak. ;)
