A Question

P5 Guy

New member
If a magazine capacity restriction should be re-enacted, what would the legality of some of the used "Law Enforcement Only" marked Glock magazine I bought after the '94 AWB sunset in '04. I did buy these in 2010 from a gunshow vendor. At that time I bought a half dozen full capacity "17 round" G17 magazines two of which are so marked.
What kind of trouble would this cause?
Thanks in advance, P5
Nobody can possibly answer that unless a law is actually passed. It would all depend on what (or "if") a new law might or might not grandfather.

P5 Guy

New member
Okay thanks for the response.
Lacking a receipt I wonder how anyone can prove Grandfathering outside the two latch reliefs on the new "ambi" Gen 4 Glocks.
This is proving to be a sticky wicket.


New member
Aguila Blanca said:
Nobody can possibly answer that unless a law is actually passed. It would all depend on what (or "if") a new law might or might not grandfather.

That's my feeling too. Until we know that there is a law, and how it will read, there's no way we can predict that it might say.

Don't panic until it's time to panic. Until then, write your Congress-critters and tell them how you feel about gun control.


I will be surprised if they include any sort of "grandfathering" this time around. These people are very stupid and very desperate to "do something". A dangerous combination. But we will have to wait and see.


New member
They want to go the no grandfathering route, but they don't have the money for a fair buyback, and there would be rioting if they turned millions of Americans into felons overnight. It is a difficult proposition, and I am honestly hoping the whole thing blows over.

It will have zero effect on gun violence (the VA Tech shooter had 19 magazines in his backpack. 10 or 7 or whatever round capacity would have been just fine) and create far more problems that it even attempts to solve.

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The principle is Ex Post Facto, meaning that if it was legal when you did it (bought it, etc) and they later make it a crime, you are not guilty of breaking the law.

Now, they do violate this principle, from time to time, but they are not supposed to, and it does give one grounds for a legal challenge to the law, if they do.

They must "grandfather" the property we already own. OR provide lawful compensation.

In the 94 ban, mags made after the enactment of the law had to have the date of manufacture on them. Non-dated mags were automatically considered to be "pre ban". Something like that will probably be written into the proposed legislature before it gets to the floor for a vote.

One thing I have heard they are wanting if they cannot get outright confiscation, is a ban on future sale & posession. In other words, you can keep it, but cannot sell it to anyone, nor can your children inherit it. When you die, the govt gets it. And with no compensation to your estate....

They also want national registration of all gun owners...and a lot more, too...

With all the problems we are facing as a nation, and as a people, focusing so much effort on how large a spring loaded metal box can be legally owned is foolish, IMHO. For what its worth, nothing has even been proposed in Congress yet, for all the reporting about what is being considered...

More than a few Congressmen have let it be known (back channel) that no matter what they propose, and no matter who wants it passed, any and all gun control bills will be DOA in the House.

That doesn't mean we are safe, as the current administration has shown a positive delight for using Executive Orders and other means to get things done that they couldn't get passed in Congress. But until there is a specific bill to be voted on, don't get worried about what it may say.