A question to all our LEOs


New member
I've worked for two different agencies. The first, a municipal PD, allowed me to carry whatever I wanted to. I carried a Glock 22.

My current agency does not have an open carry policy. We carry what we are issued, and we have no say in that matter. Our replacement handgun bid went out around 2 years ago and the same manufacturer landed the bid, along with basically the same gun. I now carry a S&W 4006TSW.

The only input we are allowed is for secondary (back-up) weapons. We are fairly open in that respect, as long as no smaller than 9mm / .38, and no larger than .45 / .357. Shall have the ability to fire double action, and shall have a manual safety, with the exception of Glocks.

I've carried a S&W 4006 for nearly 15 years now. While it was not my first choice, I've learned to like it and now I would gladly pick it over MANY other guns.


New member
Four different agencies: None for primaries. Two disallowed BUGs. Two allowed BUGs to be issued/purchased off a list.
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New member
Back in 1988, I was one of four agents on the testing team for our agency. We tested Glocks, Sigs, Berettas, S&Ws in 9mm. Ended up with the SigSauer P226 and P229.



New member
No input, no choice. Uniformed Officers are issued a Glock-35, Detectives issued a Glock 23. Apparently, no matter what hand size you may have, its the perfect gun. Sigh. And, I had to give up my Wilson 1911 for that Glock.


New member
At my former agencies, very little input.

At my current employer, we can carry whatever we can qualify with, provided it is semi auto, DA/SA or DAO, 9mm and up.

I went with a S&W 3913, as I'm plain clothes, and have carried one off duty for years. Regards 18DAI.


New member
I've worked for 2 Agencies, still employed by one, no choice. I carry what they issue me.

No BUGS allowed, either agency. :(


New member
We are allowed to carry anything we want - as long as it is a Glock model 22.

I am trying to get the Chief to allow certain personally owned firearms as an alternative for those (including myself) that do not admire Glock imperfection.


New member
Before I retired, any Third Generation S&W in 9mm was allowed- and nothing else. Don't know how it's done now but I heard officers are being given more leeway. I was happy with my 6906-still carry it on occasion.
I had absolutely no say. Even though I did get to participate in the trials and I have been able to participate in a few trials since then.


New member
No input on the primary sidearm (glock 22/23) . Personally owned BUGS are allowed provided they don't exceed .40 caliber (.357 magnum excluded) and have a firing pin/hammer block.