A question on 22 Mag in regards to how projectile functions


New member
This is NOT a thread to start a debate on the pros/cons of carrying 22 caliber weapons for SD / CC. I have no experience with 22 Magnum so have a couple of questions in regards to the cartridge and how the projectile functions when used for hunting (and SD).

This past year, I've run across several fellows who carry 22 Mag for SD and they have expounded on it. Yea, yea, yea. Personally, I prefer 38 spl and 9 mm. My question is about the 22 Mag cartridge . . . or rather the projectile itself.

In a SD/hunting scenario . . i.e. when the bullet hits flesh, what does it do? Does it penetrate deeply and then expand/mushroom or does it start to mushroom/expand on impact? Is it normal when using for hunting for it to expand on impact, causing more tissue damage or does it have more of a tendency to penetrate deeply ? I'm thinking that the distance between the target and the weapon would also make a difference? If close range, would the bullet function the same or would there be the possibility of a "through shot". (I;m thinking of such varmints ass woodchucks, etc. - I've shot some with 22 LR and they've reacted like they just got a mosquito bite and kept on eating grass :) ).

I'm looking at getting a "combination" revolver (22 LR / 22 Mag cylinders). Other than varmints, it would pretty much be used for plinking, etc. but since I've only shot a 22 Mag once - which was 50 years ago - I thought it would be fun to have a different cartridge to shoot along with the LR and my 38s and 9mms). That's what got me to wondering how the projectile acts/functions on impact. Thanks for any information you can supply on it.


New member
Depends on the bullet type and material. A soft point or hollow point will expand/deform as it impacts but should maintain enough material to continue penetration. A wad or semi wad cutter should not expand much and penetrate well. A hard cast bullet should not deform at all and should penetrate the best. Soft or hollow point is the best for hunting small game. 22mag should not be used for self defense imo but I would look for the bullet type that penetrates the best if I were going to use it against larger targets.

I'm sure someone has much more experience with the 22mag then myself though.


New member
In a medium barrel gun, 3" or better, the .22mag does fairly good. Penetration generally exceeds the 12" minimum, especially with FMJ. JHP ammo expands nicely, of course penetration is going to be less.

With short barrels, like the NAA little revolvers, 2" and less, JHP ammo generally does not expand. Most FMJ will get fair penetration, up to the 12". But the round keyholes with the short barrel. Which is not necessarily bad for SD use.

However, the bullet is still only .22 in size so placement is going to be primary.




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New member
Thank you all - the information is very helpful!

I've always tried the 22 LR for the woodchucks here on the farm but with the size of some of them, it seems like their hide is extremely tough! I thought I'd start with the revolver first and play around with the 22 Mag to get used to it. At some point, I may get a 22 Mag Henry and scope it for use for varmints. We have an over abundance of woodchucks and raccoons - all pesky and all causing a lot of damage at times.

I've only shot a 22 Mag once - fifty years ago and it was (I think) in one of the Savage models that had a shotgun barrel under a rifle barrel. I've pretty much shot black powder for all these years and just recently got back into shooting CF and RF. Like anything in this day and age, I was such a variety in slug types in the 22 Mag.

Many thanks again!

44 AMP

Placement is KING...penetration is queen...after that, there's not much left to consider.

Knew of a cop, around 40 years ago, was shot with a .22Mag during a gunfight. Was struck near the elbow, and the bullet traveled down his arm, ending up embedded in the stock of his service revolver.

He didn't realize he had been shot, until after the gunfight was over.

Personally, I don't care much for the .22 Mag, not because of what it is, but because of the cost of the ammo, for what you get (and I'm a reloader, who prefers reloadable rounds,). I'd choose something bigger, BUT, if you are confident you can get the bullets to the right place, even the .22WMR will make a difference.

If you don't get them where they need to go, a howitzer won't help much.

Apple a Day

New member
Keep in mind that barrel length is going to make a lot of difference.
I've played around with testing calibers versus catalogues. I've got a combo revolver and got almost twice the penetration with the magnum rounds over the LR rounds... which was about what I got with the LR rounds out of a 20" rifle barrel. A .22 magnum out of a rifle to the noggin should ruin a woodchuck's day every day, I'd think.

Here's a little writeup I did on it: